[@Rockette] Roger that. But yeah depression can be a bitch sometimes, I've dealt with BPD since I was just a young lad so I know how it feels. It's winter around her so when it hits me its pretty bad because I have no real way to vent out either the anger, sadness, terrible pit of existential dread and feeling that I'm a worthless meat sack on a rock hurtling through space at freighting speeds with other meat sacks all waiting for the day we die. At least when it's nice outside, I'd just run until I can't run no more, something about the feeling of the impact of the ground on your feet and the like. But then I find it's five in the morning and I'm like ten miles from my house but at least I feel better. xD I and probably the others as well are sure to await a post from our lovely dwarf-lady with baited breath.