[h1][color=ed1c24]Cody[/color][/h1] Cody cocked his head to the side at such an unexpected question. Didn't he just introduce himself? No that wasn't what he meant. Judging by his sudden change in body posture, Cody was now assuming that he was onguard for some reason. Cody honestly couldn't think of why, he was hardly a threat to anyone. In combat, an exceed posed a bigger threat to ones health. Deciding to change tactics Cody now sighed inwardly as he ran his fingers through his hair. During this entire thought process however he hadn't noticed Elizabeth approach him and when he opened his eyes he was shocked to find her staring straight at him. Understandably Cody was instantly flustered by the girl staring at him. He was unused to this sort of situation. "[color=ed1c24]Is there something-[/color]" Cody's eyes widened in disbelief as she suddenly flicked his forehead. His forehead now instantly felt a lot colder, however that strangely enough helped him to recover his composure. "[color=ed1c24].....Can I inquire as to why you did that?[/color]" Cody asked as he now leaned against a wall with his hands firmly in his cloak pockets. "[color=ed1c24]To answer your previous question. I was merely curious as to why your sister here has little control over her magic.[/color]" Cody said as he lazily glanced towards Dawn. After all the excitement of the last few days had past it would seem his personality had returned somewhat to normal. [h1][color=f49ac2]Jasmine[/color][/h1] Jasmine let out a short squeal of terror as Nidhogg suddenly fell out of the sky and onto a nearby street sign. She was completely shocked by the event, and the fact that he had simply arose like it was nothing. It wasn't till he started talking that she snapped out of her shocked state. "[color=f49ac2]I-I suppose I could help. My mother said to always help those in need.[/color]" Jasmine said with a smile as she offered a hand up to Nidhogg. She had some money on her person after all, so what could be the worse which could happen from helping this stranger? Who knows, maybe she would find Cody will helping this man out. Or maybe the man would help her find Cody?