[@Legion02] Teh-heh. That's all I wanted to know. Thanks. Haha. I am not really intending on doing anything with what Jonathan's thinking anytime soon, pretty sure it might be impossible, but it would be kind of against his character NOT to think of these kind of things. XD [@ForKhorne] And, um, I asked this question to the GM by PM, earlier. [hider][quote=@PlatinumSkink](When I place my troops in 50 and 49, as the Broken Empire doesn't have ports to make ships in, could I, like, make an agreement with them to take advantage of their resources under my Orngat engineer dwarves supervision to make Ironclads there since they can't build ships, anyway? Or does that go directly against the rules of the game? Just asking. XD)[/quote] [quote=@Romero]As for "borrowing" the Broken Empire's ports, it's a good question. I suppose theoretically it would make sense, so I'm going to give it the green light, but you wont be able to train any other types of units other than navy.[/quote][/hider] ... This of course would only work if I got permission from you, so yeah. XD Edit: Hm. In that victorious battle last season, that was won overwhelmingly, I still lost 2 units of Mechanical Warriors. That's like, as many as one province can produce over two seasons. Even if I only had those attacks on all provinces all the time, I'd still run out of troops eventually. Kind of makes me fear what would happen when the really tough things appear... Haha... Maybe I should try thinking of ways to research produce mechanical troops faster? Mass production? I have too many things I want to research. XD