Amber nodded and then signed off, she'd report back just as soon as they had finished scouting the area below that faint energy was being detected from. She put her holocommunicator away and then looked to her Padawan and the clones, [color=f7941d]“Alright, we'll stay together when we head down there, then once we arrive we'll spread out a little and Finn, you're staying with me.”[/color] It wasn't that she didn't trust him, just felt that his curiosity and excitement would get the better of him and he'd unintentionally go running off. [color=8dc73f]“Yes sir.”[/color] One of the clones spoke before looking to the others, [color=8dc73f]“Alright, you heard the commander, let's pack up and get going.”[/color] He then added, the clones were quick to pack up the little items they had pulled out during the small reprieve they had, well they were very disciplined that was for sure. [color=f7941d][i]'Those Kaminoans sure know how to make some clones.'[/i][/color] She couldn't help but think to herself as they soon began to head down to the forest below. As they were getting closer, she felt the Dark Side pulling at her once more, the temptation just at the edge of where she could feel it, the darkness that was still inside her hungrily trying to push towards the energy it felt and it reflected outward as she resisted, panting a little as she tried to ignore the darkness calling out to her. [color=f7941d]“No, you won't have me again.”[/color] She spoke quietly to herself as she focused ahead, though one of the clones easily took notice to this, [color=8dc73f]“Sir are you alright, do you need a medic?”[/color] Amber glanced over at the clone, [color=f7941d]“No, No, I'm fine, just some...Jedi stuff affecting me.”[/color] She gently smiled to the clone before continuing onto their destination. [@smarty0114]