"A person could become quite emotionally vulnerable, forced to wait in such a place for so long. One could lose hope, become demoralized... And yet the will to survive remains. We cling to a reason to keep going no matter how unlikely it seems," she replied, a blue feeling tinting her words. [i]One could lose hope and become demoralized... I know that feeling. Is it bad that I'm glad she knows that feeling? Maybe I'm just bad... Herrm.[/i] Snapping out of my mental wanderings, I tune back into her words. "You could say you found me clinging to the belief my Master would return for me, that ultimately he would save me..." She paused for a moment, and I listened intently for her to continue "and that you overpowered me then offered to spare my life in exchange for my submission... it would not be a stretch to pretend I'd preferred returning to that life over have none at all. Some say once a slave, always a slave." Her words striking chord after chord, all I can think of is my own past. Other slaves beside me in the mines dying on their feet, literally worked to death... and then being freed from that only to be subjugated further by Mistress. "Would that be enough? How 'yours' will I need to be for your Mistress to approve?" She finished, which I barely caught, so unbalanced had my own thoughts made me. It takes me a few moments to fully recollect myself, at least enough to answer her question. [i]Would that be enough? I'm already convinced, and I'm in on the act, sheesh.[/i] I finally manage to barely keep my voice steady as I say "Yes. Definitely enough. I'm honestly a little speechless, your words on slavery speak much of the hardship you've witnessed. Beyond what you've said, the only thing I could possibly add is that she'll probably expect you to still be at least a little defiant, while mostly broken and demoralized. Since you were recently captured, I imagine she will expect you to be bound in one of my cells as a result. Is that alright?" Almost biting back a request, so silly did it sound to me at first, I simply had to force it out lastly. Suddenly timid, I say "I must also beg of you to script our performance. I fear my mistress knows me all too well, and that she will recognize anything I think up as simply a farce of my creation. As... forward as I am, I am certainly not confident, especially in the face of my mistress and her scrutiny of my imagination." Looking at the floor, I bear myself truly to this Jedi who so enthralls me. [i]I can't help myself, she's been so forthright with me, so good to me...[/i]