[quote=@Sophrus] i am allowed to make up regions outside of the setting right? like a country my character would be from. [/quote] Yes, as long as it fits the same general theme of the world. After reading your character submission, though, has Praetan been destroyed entirely? If so, in my opinion I think it might be more fitting to shrink it down from a country to perhaps a single city or town. There's not much point to adding lore for an entire country if it's no longer around and thus doesn't have much bearing on anything, from my point of view. I'm open to discussion about it though. As for your character, most of it looks fine, but I have a few questions about the Lich. Usually, a Lich is an undead wizard, and in most settings they're presented as very powerful creatures. But many of those settings, especially D&D and WoW and others like them, are considered to be High Fantasy or Heroic/Epic Fantasy, where Magic is much more powerful and much more present throughout the setting. While the Nightkin have magic, it's more along the lines of vague and misunderstood powers, things that people fear but often don't truly understand. It's not the same kind of in-your-face, "I cast Meteor!" kind of stuff. So would you mind terribly if I ask you to tone it down some? After all, if a Lich has an army of undead large and powerful enough to destroy an entire nation, that's not really something a band of adventurers would ever have any hope against in a gritty setting like this one (another reason I suggested to reduce Praetan from a country to a town). And if they're capable of shooting lightning from their fingertips or causing earthquakes and such with their magic, that's even more difficult to deal with in my opinion than something like a Vampire or Troll who simply has more physical strength or speed or size than most humans could match. Just as a suggestion, maybe the Lich is less like a wizard and more like a clergyman of sorts for the dark forces? Rather than following his orders because he holds mass mind control powers over them, perhaps other monsters are led by him in a similar way that a priest is a leader figure within a village? Maybe whatever magic he does can't be used very often, because it requires large numbers of sacrifices and extended rituals? The last thing I ask is just a simple editorial look over. Your capitalization and sentence structure needs work in several places, please review it and make adjustments where needed. [@Dynamo Frokane] Sorry, I'm pretty firmly against having half-blood characters unless you can give me a really convincing explanation. If it's just for flavor text, to me that seems even less necessary, because in the end it doesn't impact the character's narrative or how others will perceive them beyond a superficial sense. I'm still willing to discuss it if you'd like, though. [@Halvtand] Like we discussed in the PM, as long as IT is just a charisma thing, this looks fine to me. Go ahead and put it in the CT.