[center][h1] [color=008000]Mikhail Fuast[/color] [/h1] [/center] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/a62dOkJ.gif[/img][/center] An insurmountable amount of relief washed through Mikhail as he saw the royal guard stretch out his hand. Before taking it though, a short, sharp whistle escaped his lips, signalling Rollo to slow the hell down and not trample the knight. Then he took the man's hand and used it to pull himself up before returning the gesture. Despite his worse nature, the cavalier found he was developing a sense of respect for the axe-fighter. [color=008000]"You have reached a level of stubbornness that I can only dream of reaching,"[/color] he said with a smirk. [color=008000]"I'm Mikhail Faust and I hope to someday take your place. I'd ask for your name but-,"[/color] he paused, motioning with a slight jerk of his head to the knight's wound, [color=008000]"It seems I'll have to wait on that."[/color] Rollo pranced up to the emerald lancer like the smug jack ass that he was and nudged his face with an all too wet snout, his eyes gleaming as if to say, "Look, I helped!"