[hider=The Iron Vanguard] [b]Name:[/b] Jacques Strappe [b]Age:[/b] 28 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/38/2f/38/382f387ac6cb208eb9df64ca21f57672.jpg[/img] [b]Personality:[/b]Outside of battle Jacques carries himself like a professional, very intelligent and insightful and always looking to help his fellow party members when he can. In battle Jacques becomes a fierce and cold killing machine, driven by duty and honor to complete the mission in any way possible. In his past career as a city sentry he earned the nickname 'The Iron Vanguard' as he was fierce and immovable. [b]History:[/b] Jacques' family heritage was all in security, his grandfather was royal knight for the Isa Lomita Kingdom, his father was a convoy guard for the trade from Port Quinlan in Kimura and both of his uncles were bodyguards for high ranking officials in Asala. But Jacques always wanted something more, as he found security work extremely boring. After a strict military style upbringing in Isa Lomita by his now retired grandfather, he started work as as a City Sentry mainly patrolling the poor parts of the class-divided nation that was most effected by bandits and robberies. Jacques found this job too easy, his imposing figure meant that most wrong doers would rather give up and turn themselves in, than fight him and any fights he did have were over very quickly because of his family training and his superior armor. Although one day in the city, he was attacked by a bunch of strange assailants from a nation he didnt quite recognise, this was most likely some sort of terrorist assasination attempt as his grandfather mad a lot of enemies in his career. Jacques fought these enemies hard and barely kept his life after a tough battle. Although scary, Jacques loved the challenge and was not only spurred to push himself as a warrior but also to travel and learn more about the world and where the attackers were from and what their motivation was. He wanted to join an army one that would take him around the globe and fufill his destiny. [b]Equipment:[/b] Family Halberd 'The Strappe Spirit' Short Sword Caltrops (20) City Brand Shield Heavy Sentinel Armour Sling [b]Other:[/b] Jacques is very knowledgeable on ancient structures and civilizations and ancient languages.and religious symbolism. He can recognize most foreign artifacts that most other would make no sense of. [b]Theme:[/b] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mAJon3O-cls[/youtube] [/hider]