[quote=@dirty slime] >Ignores the fact that Trump isn't just a macho loudmouth but a businessman too, a man who made a much bigger fortune out of the inheritance he was given. And that as a businessman, profit and gain is the most important thing to people like him and that somehow automatically makes him running the country to the ground an inevitability instead of something he will do all in his skill and power to avoid since his reputation, his most prized possession; would be forever ruined if he did so. Simply put, he has far more to lose than every other candidate if he screws up his term and I doubt someone with an ego as his would let such a thing happen [/quote] Except his ideas and loudmouthed nature is exactly what'll fuck it up in the long run. It doesn't matter if he wants to stop the country going down or not, if he does what he says he will do and keeps acting like he has been acting the country's likely to fall down. [quote=@dirty slime] >Implies that Putin will mentally and verbally destroy Trump just because, instead of the two trying to come to a favorable agreement between themselves and their respective nations. [/quote] There's still too much hatred between America and Russia for that to work. [quote=@dirty slime] >Oblivious to Trump being smart enough to only seriously pursue his presidential candidacy when the wave of nationalism, discontent at the establishment and populist power was at its highest. As well as telling it as it is, unlike everyone else in the race; who is too afraid of looking bad in front of the media and offending people. [/quote] He's just "telling it as it is" to fear monger. And yes, the other candidates don't want to look bad in front of the media, because people still have the right to revolt if they don't like how things are going. [quote=@dirty slime] >Doesn't realize that Washington and Lincoln got as powerful and respected as they were by taking charge during a time of crisis and effectively leading their nation to victory as well as being completely fearless, pushing forward their ideals and grand plans even when seemingly the entire world was against them. Just like what Trump is attempting to do by showing that the USA isn't all right as the Media and the White House claims and promising to fix it. [/quote] We're not in a crisis. Not a big one. Washington wanted to unite his people against an inferior political system. Lincoln just wanted to reunite the states. Their grand plans amounted to uniting the country into something greater. Trump wants to isolate us from our neighbors and anyone who doesn't agree with his plans. And Trump isn't fearless, either. He wants us to cower behind a wall because Mexico has immigrants and drugs. If he was fearless, he'd call to war to stop Mexico's shenanigans. He only doesn't do that because it costs more money than the dumbass wall idea and he doesn't want to look bad in front of the media. [quote=@dirty slime] >Forgetting that attention and exposure, good or bad isn't his sole source of power, but something that he takes advantage of in order to make himself stronger. Even before The Apprentice, he already had friends and connections with powerful people; not necessarily something a so-called Loudmouth in the right place at the right time is capable of. [/quote] Except that's exactly what a loud mouth is capable of. People love confidence, and Trump likes showing how confident in his abilities he is. It makes it better if he was in the right place at the right time. [quote=@dirty slime] >Doesn't mention that despite Trump being with the 1%, the boogeyman and devil's spawn that the average citizen will blame for hogging all the hard-earned wealth of the nation and spending it all on hedonism and frivolities; is very popular with the Low and Middle class; who are very angry at the Establishment and big businesses giving away all of their jobs to immigrants and aliens. Not to mention that aside from what degenerates and liberal sockpuppets like the BLM movement and NBC says, is that he's quite popular with the latino and black populations despite all the claims of racism leveled against him. [/quote] In other words he's popular with republicans? Shock and awe. The leading Republican candidate is popular with Republicans. [quote=@dirty slime] All in all, if the media and the white house hate him, and boy howdy they seriously do; then he has raised very valid points. [/quote] Or, the media and the white house hate him because he has dumb ideas. Trump's winning, that much is certain, but because he's leading people by the ears with promises of a better America and a better world. Kinda like what Obama did. If he does win, it won't change much, because everyone knows his ideas are gonna be vetoed by the Senate/Congress. Just like what happened to Obama.