Selessia looked at the woman, who still talked to her despite of Selessia's dismissive behaviour. She sighed once more "Selessia." She then sipped from her new drink as she turned her attention to the old man Klaus. As he spoke, it became apparent that Nullomancy was truly much more than simple training. Ashur had been able to provide her the basic crystals she needed to learn the basics of a construction nullomancer. She mainly had iron and heat charges, but she also had a number of others: electricity, water and a few magnetism crystals to name a few. Ashur told her after a bit of initial practice that he felt this was her area with the greatest aptitude. She had just kind of gone along with what he said. After all, she hardly knew anything about nullomancy apart of what Ashur had told her. She had hoped that the spectre would go further in depth, tell her about the many amazing things you could do with the powers. Maybe she could even get an awesome weapon like Ashur had. But now it sounded like she would have to put in a lot more effort than she initially anticipated. "Well, it's not like I have anywhere else to go anyway." She smiled at Klaus "In fact, traveling around the world sounds rather awesome. Meeting invisible tigers sounds rather cool if you ask me... I'm not too sure about spiders though." She thanked Klaus for the story as she finished another glass. Then, realising the hour had grown late, she let Maggie lead her to her room. For someone who had basically lived in a treehouse for her entire life, this room was nothing short of amazing. It was [i]almost[/i] as pretty as the room she had in Ashur's mansion. Since then she had always hoped to sleep in a room like that again, but she didn't think it'd be this soon. Maggie gave her a set of instructions and then left. She first decided to take a bath. She had been able to dry herself well enough, but that was not enough to remove the dust. She bathed herself in the soothing hot water for nearly an hour. She took her time relaxing, fearing that she wouldn't get a chance like this for a long time once the training actually started. Three times she found herself almost falling asleep in the bathtub. The third time she decided to get out before it actually happened. Unleashing her heat crystals, the water vaporized within seconds, drying her faster than any towel would. She then jumped into the bed, falling asleep within mere seconds. She awoke to the sound of knocking on her door. The absence of light and her groggy feeling told her that morning definitely hadn't come yet. Why the heck was someone knocking on her door at this time of the night? She let out a soft and clearly moody moan as she replied "yes?" the voice she could hear on the other side of the door was Klaus' "M'lady. We are attacked by imperials. Get yourself ready, we need to defend ourselves." She let out a loud sigh. For how arrogant Arbos had been, she had at least expected his base of operations to be well hidden. In her own village there were never unwanted intruders. For all of Arbos' arrogance and nullomantic mastery, he was inferior to a bunch of kids when it came to hide and seek. Selessia quickly dressed herself and unleashed her iron charges, forming around her left arm like a gauntlet. She could feel her iron crystals starting to recharge afterward. If she were to go into a fight, better to have as much iron at her disposal as she possibly could have.