Jaros walked compliantly to the barracks, and apprehension began building in his chest. Not of what he would find in the barracks, he wasn't scared of clones, but of what he would find on the battlefield. He didn't want to become attached to any of these troopers, considering many of them would die. Yet, it seemed as though Jaros made friends wherever he went. He stepped into the barracks, a large, utilitarian building filled to bursting with bunks. The bunks, in turn, were filled with clones. As he stepped in, several clones near the door stood to attention. The others calmly nodded acknowledgement as they finished putting on their armour. One clone, who had just finished putting on his helmet approached. His armor was entirely standard issue, save for a red handprint on the "face" of the helmet. "Sir, I'm R-328, the leader of squad R of the engineer corps!" He shifted uncomfortably. "My squad is supposed to be on guard with the Jedi, Sir. What are our orders!" Jaros gulped, he didn't know if he had command over the clones. "I'm Jaros Belban, pleasure to meet you." Jaros smiled. "As for your orders, well I'll have to consult Master Betorn on that front. You and your men wait here for new orders." He started to walk away, then he paused. "Oh, and, make sure to kill some droids. Alright?" He smiled at the shout of approval from the clones. He then waited outside the barracks for the older Jedi.