Eric closed the distance to the barracks just as Jaros was stepping out. [color=9e0b0f]"Everything look good in there?"[/color] Eric asked as he stepped up to his apprentice. Rather than wait for an answer Eric started walking towards the only other structure that had been built thus far, the command post. It was a two story building, within was everything needed to command an army, communication systems were being set up by Clone Engineers, a storeroom/office for the clone in charge of issuing equipment. A small infirmary. Until the base could be expanded this structure was where anything at all happened. Stepping into the map room, located on the second floor, Eric stepped over to the single window in the room, which was long and thin spanning the length of the wall. The other walls in the room were covered in machinery, mostly communication and scanning equipment while the center of the room held a holotable over which a projection of the planet glowed, adding a blue tint to the shadowy room. [color=9e0b0f]"Tell me, what do you think of our clone soldiers?[/color] Before anyone could say anything else however there was a sharp beeping sound coming from Eric's belt. [color=9e0b0f]"One moment, have to take that."[/color] Eric said as he stepped over to the holomap and pulled out the communicator. It was Niremon, one of the other knights, calling in to check on the status of the base. [color=9e0b0f]"Everything here is going on schedule. No sign of Confederacy forces yet. Any news?"[/color]