It was during the time that many people retreated to bed that Idris finally left the corner she had taken up to go over to the bar. She wasn't really interested in drinking any of the alcohol, but she figured a drink or two would not cause her any issues, that and she found herself to be rather hungry. As she slid into a stool, she looked around and frowned, she hated having her back to a room but it seemed she really had no choice in the matter. [b][color=39b54a]"Um... excuse me,"[/color][/b] she murmured, doing her best to get Klaus's attention, [b][color=39b54a] "Could I um... could I get a drink please?"[/color][/b] Idris turned to scan the bar once more before she simply watched the man before her. She had an odd feeling about being in an unknown place, but that was also something she had experienced when she first met her trainer. At the immediate moment, all she wanted to do was sit, relax and have a couple of drinks before she attempted to go to bed. All in all, she was out to simply relax and try to figure out what was going to happen to herself and the people she found to be her present companions. The two that she had talked to did not seem too bad, the one girl had been surprisingly bubbly, something she had enjoyed a bit. As she waited for her drink, she took to idly messing around with her air, creating an extremely small funnel that was picking up the finite dust on the bar. With her boredom slowly growing, she eventually started to add some water into the mix, doing her best to keep things under control as she slowly took to drinking, not even paying attention to how much alcohol she was consuming until she started to feel a pleasant buzz. Eventually, her use started to get a bit sloppy and she frowned, rubbing at her chest a little before she let out a small sigh and just stopped, her forehead meeting the bar shortly after. While she was not really tired, she say no point in playing if she couldn't control what it was she was doing. [b][color=39b54a]"So bored...[/color][/b] she murmured, gently tapping her head against the wood beneath it. However, after about the third head-to-bar experience, she heard the door to the Inn open, causing her to sit up immediately and eye the door. The moment she noticed it was just the male who had kept his distance from everyone during the initial meeting, she made a face and shook her head. [b][color=39b54a]"Look who it is... you are rather late you know,"[/color][/b] she said as he sat at the bar, [b][color=39b54a]"If anything... I am surprised you even showed up since you didn't bother actually approaching the meeting place, or following the group."[/color][/b] Just as the words finished leaving her mouth, a frown crossed her features and she turned her head to the door once more. She had a really bad feeling, one that hit her so unexpectedly that she just couldn't describe it, but she did know that something unfortunate was more or less going to happen soon.