A room of violets and blue, opening wide in a warm glow of sun that gratefully pushed through the curtains in gentle waves. An interesting place full of instruments, art supplies, dance equipment for shoos hung from the ceiling, saddles lining the floor stacked three to four even more. Yet on a round bed, the covers of silk sheets dressed in violet lay two heads of white. Male and female huddled together no closer than if they could be joined at the hip, the male with eyes of blue fluttered them open with curiosity, a yawn escaping him, exposing unassuming teeth for moments. Looking to his right he tapped the woman, not a word escaping him, her eyes remaining close she began to move like a animated doll from a child's terrors. "Is something wrong Siris?" Her hands moving as she spoke in careful smooth patterns as though she were a witch casting a spell, voice of curiosity, yet small in size. Siris tilting his head he brushed his fingertips to her palms, signing across her skin she waited till he was done before speaking, reading the words in her mind. "I'm board" A ghost of a smile crackling at her lips she sung her legs from the bed, hand grasping a cane of ebony that stood loyally nearby she tapped it on the floor in a small rhythm. "As am I, lets go," Her brother close by her began to sign in her back, a link between them an them alone. "To the land" "To the sky" "There shall be hell to pay" "So lets have it arise." yet as Iris began to use her cane to feel her way around, the tapping began to grow softer and softer, freezing in the middle of the room as though her puppeteer lost interest in her. Siris sitting on the bed, he began to look at his sister with eyes not belonging to his own. Words running through his head that he could not fully realize was something more than his own deaf insanity. [color=00aeef]"Not bad is it?"[/color] [color=92278f]"Nope, though it'd be nice to smell the roses again"[/color] [color=00aeef]"you can't smell?"[/color] [color=92278f]"No I can't see the colours, or the shapes, this girl is looking at a blank!"[/color] Fear gripping at the sister she dropped her cane, holding her head only to feel her brother's embrace as they both shivered, the male mouthing words as he thought. "What are you doing? Why are you here?" Yet laughter was all that greeted them both, causing him to hug his sister tighter till it hurt yet she did not yelp or cry out. Both began to fear they begun to go insane as the voice continued on and on. [color=92278f]"What are we doing?"[/color] [color=00aeef]"Why are we here?"[/color] [color=92278f]"Wow you guys are spineless"[/color] [color=00aeef]"Just do as we say"[/color] [color=92278f]"You won't even notice us that way."[/color]