Rum Town, O Rum Town… O but at minor bump you are on the road the handsome young Barbert was taking to hairdressing mastery. Honestly, Barbert had no intention of coming to a stop here on this island, but well… he’d never been out to sea before. The boredom of the quiet sailing life was as great and vast as the sea itself, and in the week he’d been out he caught himself indulging in boredom eating more than a few times. His provisions were quickly running low and the fish just refused to approach his ship whenever he tried to hook one. And since he wasn’t willing to stupidly test his luck so soon, he had to disembark in Rum Town for food to take along. If he was a fool about letting his food run out so soon, he definitely wouldn’t let himself be a fool about leaving his belongings on his ship. As he docked, he gathered up the rest of his important materials in a backpack he brought along and hopped up onto land. His legs felt like jelly after being subjected to the ocean’s shifting waves, but he figured he’d just get used to it. Before leaving for where he thought the market place was, Barbert looked regretfully at his ship. It was only a small sailboat,really, just big enough to carry a few people at once, but he was still rather paranoid that someone might want to steal it anyway. After all, it was his only way off the island and he couldn’t safeguard it all! Well, no use in stewing over it all day. He smacked his face to gear himself up and started making for the center of town, where he felt the central marketplace would be. With his mind focused specifically on grocery shopping, it didn’t occur to him at all that the town was eerily empty and quiet… At least until he found his way to the execution site and the huge crowd standing around it. “Huh? What’s going on here? Today, like, a special sale day or something?” he pondered aloud as he tried peeking over the crowd for what they were all huddled around. It took him a few more moments to just follow their gaze up to the execution platform. As he realized what exactly was going on, he just let out a single “Oh.”