[@Varicke] Veronica nodded in agreement. Kiiros was definitely the most experienced for something like this, but no one would trust him enough to lead. [color=fff200]"And as a contingency plan, you could hack in through a terminal or something if you find one. There is bound to be more than one access point and the main room may be too heavily guarded."[/color] She told him as they were about to actually get going. It may not have been the best plan, but they did what they could with what they had. Real missions would probably have more information, where the target is, systems information. Veronica was thinking about this when a new thought popped up, [color=fff200]'What if this mission is also seeing how we might try to escape from the facility?'[/color] It made plenty of sense. The staff could get all the information the could want by simply giving them free reign.