[h2][color=OrangeRed]Dawn[/color] and [color=SkyBlue]Elizabeth[/color] [color=ForestGreen]Daniels[/color] - Crocus[/h2] [@Lunarlors34] Dawn placed his hands on Elizabeth's shoulders and guided the wayward girl beside him, keeping his grip firm to ensure that she didn't go wandering off. He honestly didn't have an answer for the stranger, Cody. Elizabeth's behavior often mystified even her own brother. Somewhere in her mind there was a reason for everything she did but Dawn wasn't capable of fathoming it most of the time. Just like her speech Elizabeth's actions were often random and unusual. Rather than admit that his own sister's actions were a mystery to him however Dawn instead targeted the other part of Cody's question. [color=OrangeRed]"You can 'inquire' but don't expect an answer. She's mute."[/color] It was not a new experience for Dawn to have to explain his sister's state. Everyone in Clover Town knew about her disabilities but every now and then the twins had run into a tourist or traveler whom had to be made aware. Most were very understanding, a couple were simply cruel but such was life. [color=OrangeRed]"As for her magic well... she's always been a bit unrestrained. Back home she nearly froze a man's arm solid when he made a pass at her."[/color] Dawn decided that it was time to get the topic of conversation off his sister. [color=OrangeRed]"You gave us your name but I don't believe you mentioned what your interest was in my sister's magic."[/color] Dawn's tone was not inherently hostile but there was a mild undertone of accusation to it. As if the question suggested that Cody's motives were less than honest. Just then Elizabeth pulled herself out of Dawn's grasp determined to see more of the city. Dawn grabbed her by the wrist. [color=OrangeRed]"Elizabeth wait!"[/color] She turned around a look of disappointment on her face. With her free hand she removed his hand from her wrist and used it to trace a message over his skin, two words. [color=SkyBlue][i]"Cotton Candy?"[/i][/color] she had a hopeful smile on her face to accompany the request. Dawn rolled his eyes, sometimes it seemed like she hadn't changed from when they were ten years old. [color=OrangeRed]"Soon alright?"[/color] he responded, tracing the message on her hand out of habit. She looked disappointed but stopped trying to escape into the crowd.