[quote=@NuttsnBolts] [@Atrophy] Just a clarification point. With Blank's ability, will he still remain visible to those with IR and X-Ray vision? [/quote] That's a good question. I was under the impression that modern day Spooks would have technology that creates an almost absolute camouflage around them that prevents them from being seen, but Blank isn't not a modern day Spook. I don't feel like a perfect camo would really make sense (or really be fun; ~5 minutes is a lotta time to be invisible). I'm going to pretend that I understand the electromagnetic spectrum and that it hasn't been nearly a decade since I last thought about it or that I am now feverishly reading Wikipedia. Perhaps it would be best to have Blank completely invisible to anything on the lower energy side of the spectrum, so he would not be detectable by the naked eye, infrared, radio waves, but he would be detectable by types of vision that use UV, X-Rays, or Gamma Rays. In other words, every day Enforcers, the average civilian, and some Divers would not see him since he's invisible to more typically used alternative vision (radar, thermal) while more cybered up Divers and Spooks would be able to see him by using their less common alternative vision (X-Ray, UV). But really, I rather do what works best for the group. Let's see what [@Hexaflexagon] has to say on the nature of cloaking.