You actually kind of got the idea I was going for without needing my help [@Atrophy]. Old cloaking technology like Blank's would without going into the hypothetical science around it (though you can read a fascinating article/report on it [url=]here[/url] if you so desire) works basically by bending light around around the target in such a way that it would mimic the presence of nothing being there. Pretending to be nothing, an odd concept right? So this would effectively hide the person, the shadow and muffle heat signatures for a small period of time. So most standard imaging technology wouldn't work on them and even some of the fancier stuff wouldn't work like Crash's eyes because they use Thermal Signatures along with simulated T-Waves to effectively predict a targets location behind walls. That being said some body with high grade optical gear that allows somebody to see in a varied amount of wavelengths like X-Rays would still be able to see Blank just fine. That being said since it effectively is bending light and other waves around under the user if the person is moving reasonably quick somebody with normal eyes who was perceptive enough would be able to spot small flickers in seemingly empty air. So it's generally not a good idea to break into a run while cloaked unless well some sort of firefight was happening (maybe in a chaotic and crowded train car of somesorts) where your foe would be too distracted with other things to really pay attention to flickers in the air in front of them. Oh and you know the running produces much more noise anyway and well camouflage is cool it ain't no noise dampener. But Bank has those so he is okay in that department at least. That being said Newer Spooks are a whole different story. They are outfitted with top of the line tech where they don't just have [b]almost [/b]absolute camouflage, they have absolute absolute camouflage and while they still have to run the risk of overexerting their cloaking modules, for rather outrageous periods of time they can move as freely as they want from a crawl to a sprint without anyone every knowing they were there no matter how good their augs or eyes are. The only thing that might give them away would be something like a natural tell like blood dripping to the ground or footsteps in the snow. And even in that Spooks don't seem to make footprints and the rumor has it these new guys don't bleed anyway. It's one of the few perks of basically become cyborg abominations stripped of all other feelings while your augmentations keep what little remains of the human you alive almost indefinitely in a life of eternal agony where every couple months all your memories get erased because things like memories would only slow you down. And it's one of the reasons why Divers never want to deal with Spooks ever, like ever. If you hear that you have one coming after you, unless your really stupid you'll just put the bullet in your head there and then.