[u]Province 15[/u] It was good that Tushienia had come, because their magic had not. The skeletons that Andinon had been using to suffer the brute of their losses were no longer in play. Apparently the darkness had figured out how to counteract it. Of course they knew that the darkness could adapt, but they hadn't anticipated this much. Their infantry had been butchered while the ranged forces had been of little use against them. While Andinon was also adapting, they were doing it much slower. The darkness had much more resources and it was starting to show. With Necromancy failing Andinon it torn between turning to science or magic, but decides to rely on the magic that has kept them safe for so long, seeking to give the elements more physical form in the battle against the darkness. [u]Province 19[/u] The fail of necromancy was unfortunately not isolated. Of course the line had still held, even against the ridiculous monsters they faced but it was growing more and more taxing. They had to push back and soon. Dirigibles were being sent into the closest darkness infested regions to see what forces lay there and whether sending an attack force would be suicide. The small pistols were now standard Harrier issue, much more effective than the lances used previously. It allowed them to strike harder from farther away. But it didn't warrant a reckless excursion into enemy territory. All in good time. [hider=Actions] Research: Conjure Familiars, Turn 1 Recruit 1 Dirigible in all Provinces. Recruit 1 Pistoler in provinces 13, 14 Recruit Heavy Infantry in Provinces 6, 15, 19 Garrisons Remaining Garrison of Province 6 -14 War Magi -14 Units of Light Cavalry -15 Units of Magi -14 Units of Heavy Infantry -10 Artillery -13 Dirgibles -5 Arquebus Remaining Garrison of Province 15 -7 War Magi -7 units of Light Cavalry -11 units of Magi -3 Units of Heavy Infantry -4 Artillery -8 Dirigibles -6 Arquebussiers Remaining Garrison in Province 19 -24 War-Magi -6 units of Light Cavalry -4 Artillery -4 Arquebussers Garrison of Province 14 -1 Arquebus Armies in Province 13 -5 Units of Magi 14 units of Dirigibles scout 20 and return to province 19 8 units of Dirigibles scout 21 and return to province 15 [/hider]