Feminists bring valid points to the table, and some MRAs bring valid points to the table (divorce/child custody and domestic violence against men not being taken seriously being big ones that people with feminist views like me sometimes sweep to the side, though I think gender roles are more to blame for those than feminism). We're getting into hot territory here, so this is my piece: No matter how valid your points are, (and I'm speaking to absolutely everyone here, including a reminder to myself) getting angry and lashing out at the other side in revenge and making generalizations to justify your anger completely dilutes whatever message you're trying to get across. It makes you look like a crazy person, then no one will take you seriously, and then when they see someone else trying to make the same point, they'll remember you and then write the next person off as a crazy person too. It hurts the entire movement, whatever movement your advocating, to get angry. For a good example, check out my behavior earlier in the thread. I still believe in what I said, but not how I tried to say it. A rational discussion might actually convince someone, a rage filled tirade will not, no matter how justified it may seem. Yeah, there are always going to be radicals who are louder and get more attention than you, but they're just a loud minority, and only other radicals take them seriously. They can be safely ignored. So that's my internet wisdom of the day. Be safe kids, and take a few deep breaths before you touch a keyboard. And don't take any wooden nickels.