[h2][color=orangered][center]~ Carmen Calandra ~[/center][/color][/h2] The new Athalia Academy: Pavella Campus was very well funded, and thus very well designed and very well built. Its many lecture halls, classrooms, and offices were not just simple rooms, but designed from the ground up to be the best possible working environment for its faculty and students. There were large, skinny windows that went from the ceiling to nearly the floor and bathed the rooms in natural light. The average office had 12-foot ceilings, slightly canted walls for better sound absorption, beautiful unscratchable light hardwood floors, and substantial doors with skinny misted windows on either side. Each room was also totally isolated from the ones around it, surrounded in a cocoon of soundproofing designed to make it completely devoud of outside noise once the door shut with a satisfying "whoosh" as the one break in the seal closed. The one place that was not soundproofed was the entrance to the rooms, which meant that you could hear nothing from outside the room when inside the room, but when walking down the hallways you could hear activity in each of the rooms. All of these features, as well as the color of the drapes, the style of the ornate rugs in the halls, and many other interior design features, were mandated by one of the Academy's chief benefactors - a person who never imagined that she would be on faculty so soon after being a student. In fact, she only agreed to come on board as a faculty member so she could hang around the people she knew from when she was a student without having nothing to do and awkwardly standing around while they taught or went to class. The large, ornate plaque on the door to her office said enough about who she was, but her official title in the Academy said almost as much as her name itself: [center][i]- Director of Fashion -[/i][/center] Now, those unfamiliar with the woman who owned this title would wonder why exactly an educational institution would need a "Director of Fashion", and what that position exactly entailed. [color=orangered]"Someone [i][u]always[/u][/i] needs a fashion consultant,"[/color] Carmen Calandra replied to the reader from inside her office. She sat at her desk on a large high-backed leather office chair, with her trumpet stood on its bell on the floor next to her. Although it was behind the desk, it was still very visible from the door due to its sheer size. As Director of Fashion, Carmen was responsible for almost nothing. Now that the Academy was completed and she was no longer needed as a building consultant, her only responsibilities would be critiquing the fashion choices of anyone who asked and teaching her fashion courses: AP Fashion (high school course, includes credit for FAB-101) FAB-C 101: Introduction to Fashion FAB-C 201: Fashion I (pre-rec: FAB-101 or be a fashion model) FAB-C 301: Fashion II (pre-rec: FAB-201 even if you're a fashion model) FAB-C 401: Advanced Topics in Fashion (graduate student course, pre-rec: FAB-301) FAB-H 350: History of Fashion (pre-rec: none) FAB-H 450: History of Fashion (grad student version) Fortunately for the skylark, this did not mean she would be busy, as even in Athalia's existential education system her classes weren't required for anything. Plus, if the previous iteration of the Academy was anything to go by, nobody would ever show up to class anyway. There was still a couple of hours before student orientation, but students were already roaming the halls. Carmen stood up from her desk and picked up her trumpet, walking to her door. She hadn't been in her office for very long, but she decided to roam and see if she could find anyone she knew. It wasn't like she knew where Lily's office was, or anything... Her quest didn't take long. Opening her door, Carmen looked to the left and saw Andromeda standing over Ryuu, who was sprawled out on the ground. [color=orangered]"Getting in trouble already, are we Ryuu?"[/color] Carmen called out from her doorway with a smirk. [color=orangered]"I'm impressed, it's not even orientation yet!"[/color] She threw a smile at Andromeda, who was clearly already occupied helping (?) Ryuu. Carmen was somewhat reassured that the two people she encountered first on orientation day were people she recognized, but wondered what exactly the two had gotten up to. She did note the nearby presence of a staircase, however.