[center][b][u]The Beach[/u][/b][/center] The sound of the blast of plasma echoed across the beach. While the Monster had proven troublesome, its assessment towards the end of the fight had been correct. It really hadn't been ready for a higher-level hero. Its yellow eyes dulled, as its jaw fell open, the hole clear through its chest smoking from the sheer heat of the matter that had gone clear through its body. CrocoKill's hulking body toppled backwards, hitting the ground with a resounding thud and laying still. The monster from the sea lay limply, smoke rising from the hole. Needless to say, it was absolutely dead. After a few moments of shocked silence, the crowd outside the beach erupted into cheers, calling Buster Fist's name. At least, the ones who weren't preoccupied watching the other fight wrapping up on the Beach. [hr] [center][b][u]The Port[/u][/b][/center] Kiko sat back onto her knees, giving the other girl a wide grin as she did. "I'll make you some ramen later, too!" she said. She did have to make up for tackling her even if it had been helpful... and besides, ramen was the best way to make new friends! ... For that matter, when they caught this other guy, she'd make him some ramen, too! Maybe not as special ramen since he was a criminal and needed to learn not to do criminal things before he got the really special ramen. So it would just be some simple ramen that was still delicious, amazing special ramen would be a reward for learning that you didn't need to go sending robot soldiers to pick up your supplies! ... Speaking of the robotic knights, they were closing in on her again. As a robot herself, she understood that they were probably programmed to be pretty single-minded. Also as a robot, she was certain this was all they were programmed for. Hopping up to her feet and back, her cannon flared to life as she fired on one of the knights as it swung an axe towards her, blowing its head clear off its shoulders with a whirring sound and a beam of blue light. With a dull roar, her boosters activated once more and quickly took her out of reach of the remaining robots. After all, once they captured the supercriminal, the robots wouldn't be an issue... But first... In spite of breathing not actually being required, Kiko took a deep breath. Such behavior was ingrained in her, programmed from the start to make her as human as physically and mentally possible. That big robot was attacking the other hero... she hadn't made it past D-Rank, but... "Boost lock!" she said. The lights on her armor flared up, and her boosters promptly locked up, holding her in position in the air. The position of each emitter adjusted to compensate for any impacts or recoil that would come to her, as her armor prepared for what was coming next. She could feel vibrations along the armor over her right arm, leading up to the cannon as it began to heat up. At least, more then it already had. "Target lock!" she declared. Immediately a readout played over her eyes, holographic sights spawning and circling the barrel of her cannon as aiming systems flared to life. The huge robot was distracted trying to hurt her fellow hero... the readout in her eyes displayed its coordinates as she took aim. "Charging ten percent, twenty percent, thirty percent..." Of course, Kiko was vulnerable as she diverted power into her cannon. But she wanted to make sure she took down that huge robot in a single shot, so they could detain the criminal...! For a D-Class hero, Kiko had relatively high power. However, she was unskilled and naive, to say the least, and power alone did not make a great superhero. And so Kiko was placed in D-Class, so she could learn. She hoped she'd learned well. "One Hundred Percent Charged!" she declared. The light building at the end of her cannon flared brightly, the holographic readouts contracting around the barrel. "BLUE BUSTER, FIIIIIIIIIIIRE!" The light erupted forward, a thick beam tearing towards the huge robot with a roar of noise. She wasn't sure if it would actually take the robot down in a single shot, but she could hope...!