Sarah had floated off as the meeting seemed to disband. It was decided then, the panthers were now no longer so independent. She didn't care so much though. With a soft smile she wondered if Kat had gotten her message, then shrugged her shoulders and put her headphones back in. A nice playlist of the Inane. Electroswing to death metal, it would be kind of disconcerting to most people but to her it blocked out the cycling thoughts for a while. -Message received STRENGTH UNITY SUBSERVIENCE!- She chuckled, oooh that sounded fun, she about turned from her path to the deck to go down to the hanger. By the time she got their she had sorted out the code in her mind and sent to her PADD. It wasn't very hard, she just had to configure one of the infrared cameras on Mr.B to recognize a short start sequence. Screw with the targeting code for YASSIR to track and lock onto her camera when in coms mode. Then make sure YASSIR didn't fire a nice missile at her in the process. It was one way communication and she couldn't quite grasp why she was wanting it. But as usual she didn't care in the slightest. Whatever it was it was a cool idea. Looking into the hanger most people would have found it depressing, the Samigina was quite barren. Missing the technical staff and parts usually strewn across it. Though her eyes wouldn't register that, the only thing that did was YASSIR. Connecting her PADD, she inserted the modified code. Then did the same for Mr.B and tested it, didn't seem to be much of a problem at all. "Ahhh boo....", she said softly, hoping for a bit more entertainment than that. It was going to be a very boring ride to the XCD island of terrors. Sending Marly a pulse she realised she hadn't actually confirmed it with her beforehand. She smiled and looked to Mr.B, a small mark on his shell, how could she have missed that, she ensured he was cleaned head to toe after the engineer had removed the damaged components ...[b]"Mr. B! What have you been doing... filthy boy![/b] She clambered up to his now disassembled head with a cloth and a mock sense of injustice. "I...see", she said as her demeanour softened and her usually jittery posture nullified. It wasn't the threat... That was very real, a virus set to overload her neural processors and she'd be blind at best and dead at worst. Freakshow....That's what got her, the shiny reflective metal of her Frames innards shone back her reflection. It was a bit of joke...She knew that. The fractals that scarred her were as a result of powersurges and relief lines. Jerryrigged fixes to experimental technology. The truth was she did belong in a freakshow. A lacklustre smile spread across her face as if SOP required it. She didn't really feel that energetic anymore. - Marly, I'm quite tired. I've attached the code to this message. If you can you can get it in Snow Leopard.- Huh....It had been a while since she had sent a message with a PADD. It wasn't as intuitive as she remembered, it kind of dropped from her hands onto the worklift as she opened up his hatch to climb back in. Somehow she felt safer in than out. Out of a small compartment she picked up the sterling silver cigarette box within. Two were in their, she hadn't smoked in such a long time. Both hand rolled one was filled with good old fashioned Marijuana and the other was tobacco, she took the former. As she inhaled her eyes flickered as neurons and synapses fired, confusing the circuitry in her brain. Causing the implant to malfunction. The sudden onset of colours coming from her ...well cameras allowed her to think more clearly. Without the constraints of her shattered mind. She was a freak...It was the only conclusion she came too. Then slowly drifted off to sleep. Her thoughts having introverted deeply. Her dreams interfered with enough to prevent the coming nightmares and allow her to rest peacefully; She just didn't have the energy to deal with it.