[hider=Original Entry] [h3]Species Sheet[/h3] [b]Name of Species:[/b] Dwarves [b]Genetic Compatibility:[/b] - WIP - [b]Physical Characteristics of Males:[/b] Dwarves are a short race, as their name implies, standing from 4'3" – 4'9" (1.3 – 1.45 meters) on average. What Dwarves lack in height they make up for in bulk; they are, on average, about as heavy as humans. A dwarf can weigh anywhere from about 160 – 220 lbs (73 – 100 kg).Dwarven males are a bit taller and heavier than their female counterparts. Like humans dwarves have a wide variety of skin, eye, and hair colors. Hazel eyes are common throughout the race. They tend to be bald, but grow extravagant facial hair. [b]Physical Characteristics of Females:[/b] Females differ slightly from males, with a shorter and lighter build, wider hips and breasts. They tend to have a full head of long hair, and thankfully, cannot grow beards. [b]Life-Span:[/b] 100 years. [b]Diet:[/b] Omnivore [b]Racial Attributes:[/b][list][*]Natural night vision [*]Rarely suffer from claustrophobia. [*]Resistant to cold.[/list] [b]Age:[/b] 250,000 years, estimated. [h3]City Sheet[/h3] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/ZZ95Dx1.png[/img][/center] [center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/ff/dc/d5/ffdcd5915c3566cd7d2da8e96f5c0660.jpg[/img][/center] [b]Name of City:[/b] Uthein [b]Population:[/b] 200,000 [list][*]Males: 100,000 [*]Females: 100,000 [*]Half-Races: Tiny Minority[/list] [b]Known For:[/b] Uthein was renowned as a centre of Promethean industry, where their Dwarven slaves would toil away endlessly to produce stone and metal ores. With the gradual decline of the Prometheans however, has come revolution, and now the Dwarves of Uthein have fought their way to freedom. [b]Culture:[/b] The Dwarves of Uthein have established basic laws, societal wealth-based hierarchies and an appreciation for fine metal-working. Much of their homes and great halls are filled with all kinds of sculptures, and the authors of such work are highly prized. Militarily, the Dwarves of Uthein rely on citizen soldiers in times of dire need, rather than keep a standing army. They are overall a peaceful peoples, inwardly focused and wary of outsiders. [b]Religion Overview:[/b] The Dwarves of Uthein give praise to The Mountain God, who ascended from the below the earth, and gave birth to the mountains - and their care takers, the Dwarves. Mountain God worship is a mostly peaceful affair, based around making offers to various shrines, and adhering to simple rules regarding the decent treatment of others. [b]Government Type:[/b] Gerontocracy - the belief that the eldest among them, are those best suited to lead. [b]Calendar:[/b] Promethean. [/hider] [hider=Scalethein Empire, 500 A.E] [center][h2][u]Late Ancient Era Nation Summary[/u][/h2][/center] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/egfd4yh.png[/img][/center] [center][i][b]The Scalethein Empire[/b][/i][/center] [b]Overview:[/b] The Scalethein Empire is a primitive constitutional monarchy, ruled jointly by a Kobold Queen and the Imperial Senate. Whilst the Senate can pass laws, the Queen holds the power of veto over them, and can pass laws herself outside of the Senate's interference. It is an expansionist nation, that has seen rapid territorial growth in the few centuries since its founding. It is also relatively advanced, and civilised. It is composed mainly of Dwarves and Kobolds, although also boasts a minority Troll population. [b]What Your Nation Can Offer:[/b] Aside from being able to offer a potential ally the hammer and anvil that is its swollen professional citizen army, Scalethein is a world centre of metal production and processing. The forges of Uthein are almost legendary by this point, and the Dwarven city is the key to the Empire's industrial capacity. Aside from metal and military might, Scalethein has been known to be a loyal and fair nation, not known for treachery or unjust aggression, and can be trusted to stand by her allies in a time of crisis. [b]Military Strengths and Weaknesses:[/b] Scalethein has two armies, and both differ massively in their approach to the matters of war. Across the Empire, one will find the citizen legions of Scalethein's professional military force. Formed from Kobolds and Dwarves, these legions use tight unit tactics, and rely on spears and shields to carry them through the battle. Additionally, a legion is supported by an array of siege weapons and supporting units, such as archers. However, the legions lack strong cavalry arms, though this may change in the near future. In the south, based around Uthein, one will find the Stone Guards - an elite warrior caste of Dwarves, founded only in the last few decades by Bloodaxe - a Dwarven senator, who spent a stinit in Zaqir after the Scalethein-Zaqiri War. The Stone Guard are feroicous killers, who do not care for anything but victory. They use a mixture of feints and out right charges, choosing to lead their enemies onto favourable ground, before rushing them enmasse. [b]Population and Races:[/b] [list][*]Kobolds - 16,000,000 [*]Dwarves - 7,000,000 [*]Trolls - ????[/list] [b]Religions:[/b] [hider=Faith of Twin Moons] [b]Religion Name:[/b] Faith of Twin Moons [b]Type:[/b] Pantheistic(I think? Correct me if wrong) [b]Name of Believers:[/b] Followers of the Twin Moons, or for short, Followers. [b]Overview of Beliefs:[/b] The faith of Twin moons is more or less an example of the inner working of a kobolds mind in general. Based around goddesses of the two moons, called Arill and Zee. Arill being a kind and nurturing goddess, and Zee being an aggressive warrior deity. However when exposed to other religions the faith of Twin Moons quickly changed. Every single god, goddess, and other form of deity is taken in by the Followers of the Twin Moons. The faith is more or less an extension of the kobold race's curiosity and need to record information. The Great Temple, the holiest site of the Followers after the highest point of the mountains(which the temple rests under), resembles a library more than a place of worship in places. Followers are expected to be tolerant of all things, as the secrets of the gods are not fully known to the Kobold race. While there is nothing in the faith speaking against murder, theft, or any other crime it is still expected for Followers to not break laws, not because it is unholy, but because it is simply wrong to do so. [/hider] [hider=The Mountain God] [b]Religion Name:[/b]Hazurkianity [b]Type:[/b] Monotheistic [b]Name of Believers:[/b] Hazurkians [b]Overview of Beliefs:[/b] Hazurkians believe in a simple code, and it stands as follows: 1) Do unto they who did unto you. 2) The wishes of one's superior supersedes the first principle. Thus Hazurkianity has been tightly wrapped around the idea of "obeying the man in charge", and has been butchered twice and remodelled during times of great change or turmoil in Uthein. Critics therefore argue it is a false religion, based around a false God. However, that does not prevent some Dwarves from putting their faith into it. After all, there is much to be gained from being a known Hazurkian. For one, the Stone Guard have incorporated it into the doctrine, and being that they are both a powerful and rich paramilitary organisation, a Hazurkian can count on them for protection and financial support. Hazurkianity was founded after Hazurk (Tall Dwarf) built the mountains in the centre of the world, after using his magical hammer to work them from the ground. He then became one with the mountains, but before he did so, he cut off his right hand, which then turned into various Dwarven tribes. The Dwarves were charged with the stewardship of the mountains... although due to the open nature of the language used, some have taken "mountains" to mean "world". Those who hold true to Hazurk, will join him in his mountain-bond, which is an existence described as "constant ecstasy". [/hider] [b]Capital City:[/b] Scale Home [b]Secondary Cities:[/b] [list][*]Uthein - Dwarven capital and centre of metal production/processing. [*]Far Home [*]Tall Home [*]The Great Temple (T.G.T) [*]Feltor - Tin mine/town [*]Kerantor - Copper mine/town [*]Roktor - Iron mine/town [*]Thoktor - Iron mine/town[/list] [center][h2][u]Through Their Eyes...[/u][/h2][/center] [hider=Template] [code][b]Character Name:[/b] [b]Character Gender:[/b] [b]Character Race:[/b] [b]Character Age:[/b] [b]Character Appearance:[/b] [b]Character's Role Within Nation:[/b] [b]Character Background Info:[/b] [b]Other:[/b][/code] [/hider] [hider=Key] [b]Leaders:[/b] Monarchs, Emperors, Prime Ministers etc [b]Government Officials:[/b] Prominent members of government who do not necessarily dictate the direction of a nation, but may have a hand in influencing it. [b]Generals:[/b] Leaders of armies who are not necessarily linked to the running of state, but rather, the leading of armies. Commanders, Lords, Princes, Admirals, Captains - that kind of role. [b]Scientists/Inventors:[/b] Individuals whose research and experiments are likely to procure ground breaking results in the very near future. Could for example, be someone on the verge of figuring out how to harness gun powder in an effective form. [b]Explorers:[/b] Individuals who have accumulated enough wealth, or who have been sponsored by rich benefactors, to set sail beyond the great seas to lands yet unknown. Think Christopher Columbus. [b]Soldiers:[/b] Individuals of great skill and renown (or not?), who have made their living in the trenches or on the sands of some Gods forsaken arena, but whose story might bring grit to the tale of an entire Empire. [b]Common Folk:[/b] Every day citizens and subjects, or slaves, who may yet one day be of some significance to the history of your nation.[/hider] [h3][u]Leaders[/u][/h3] [hider=Queen Lia][b]Character Name:[/b] Queen Lia [b]Character Gender:[/b] Female [b]Character Race:[/b] Kobold [b]Character Age:[/b] Twenty six [b]Character Appearance:[/b] Queen Lia, even for a kobold, is short. Standing at a single foot and eight inches most other beings tower over the young Queen, however she moves with a determination and boldness more suiting to someone six times her size. Her eyes are a deep red with hints of gold, and her scales are a common brown tint. Day to day the Queen, like the queens before her, wear simple if well made clothes, most of the time Lia adorns herself in a white grey shirt and trousers of the same hue. However, like many kobolds, Lia wears more than just clothes. Over each arm she wears no less than six golden bands, her neck is home to two amulets, one bearing the symbol of the Scalethein Empire, which marks her as Queen, and another with the image of a dragon, a lovely trinket that Lia won in a game of chance. [b]Character's Role Within Nation:[/b] Queen of Scale Home, and leader of the Scalethein Empire [b]Character Background Info:[/b] The Queen was born the runt of her family, the youngest and smallest of her seven sisters. Her life was simple up until her mother died. With her seven sisters all trying to get the throne, the eight of them ended up more or less trapped in the palace until someone was Queen. It would be during these two years that Lia slowly, one by one, defeated her sisters, not by arms as the small kobold couldn't hope to even put up a fight, but instead with guile and trickery. The exact details of what happened in the palace are kept secret, but in 478 A.E the eight daughters of Likka left the palace, and together stated that Lia would be Queen. Since becoming Queen Lia has worked towards easing relations with the recently antsy dwarves, building a formal temple to the mountain god in Scale Home among other efforts.[/hider] [hider=Bloodaxe] [b]Character Name:[/b] Senator Arnak Florin, or Warmaster Bloodaxe [b]Character Gender:[/b] Male [b]Character Race:[/b] Dwarf [b]Character Age:[/b] 96 [b]Character Appearance:[/b] Bloodaxe is an old Dwarf, nearing his 100th year, and thus the end of his life. However, if one thought they would find an old man, frail with age and waiting for death, they'd be sorely disappointed. Bloodaxe is tall for a Dwarf, standing at five feet, and carries with him a bulk of fat and muscle in equal measure. His arms are knotted with bulging muscles, and his neck is as thick as a tree log. His legs though stubby, are powerful contraptions, capable of propelling him at unsightly speeds. His hair is the colour of iron, and though his face is wrinkled, his piercing blue eyes glow with a youth not common in one as old as he. A stranger might be forgiven for thinking him a Dwarf of 60. When in battle, Bloodaxe wears full plated Zaqiri steel, with designs of a charging bull engraved across its surface. He also wears a horned full helm. A suit of chainmail lays underneath all this. Out of battle, Bloodaxe prefers a simple linen robe that drapes over his body, but leaves his massive arms exposed. A heavy gold chain rests across his neck, and each link is inscribed with the names of all those he has slain - well, those whose names he knew in any case. [b]Character's Role Within Nation:[/b] Warmaster, and leader of the Stone Guard/Senator [b]Character Background Info:[/b] Bloodaxe leads the Stone Guard, a paramilitary faction that exists outside of Imperial control. He is a national hero, revered across the Dwarven territories as a living legend, and his following is massive. Even those who do not agree with his past actions, nod their heads in respect as he passes by. A nationalist, Bloodaxe seeks to restore Dwarven strength, though it is unclear how he plans to do this. His relentless rise in power and influence however, has attracted the watchful eye of the Imperial Senate and the Queen. [b]Other:[/b] N/A[/hider] [hider=Galarg] [b]Character Name:[/b] Tall Ape Galarg, son of Galarn [b]Character Gender:[/b] Male [b]Character Race:[/b] Promethean, 1st Generation [b]Character Age:[/b] 21 [b]Character Appearance:[/b] Galarg is seven feet tall, with a powerfully built torso, and muscular yet lanky limbs. He is covered from head to toe in a light grey but short fur, though a few streaks of black spread out from the center of his back like a spider's web. Like all Prometheans, his facial features are flat, as if someone hit him with the good end of a shovel. Grey eyes peer out above a shallow nose, and a couple of white fangs protrude from thin lips. He wears a simple loin cloth, whether in battle or not, and carries a satchel of various goods that straps diagonally across his chest. [b]Character's Role Within Nation:[/b] King of the Promethean Remnant [b]Character Background Info:[/b] The Prometheans are all but extinct; they number a few thousand, maybe even a few hundred - none can be entirely sure, for they have scattered into dozens of roaming family groups that haunt the ancient jungles of the former Promethean Empire, and rarely risk having themselves seen by outsiders. The Promethean Plague has mostly vanished from existence, now that there are so few victims for it to consume; however, the damage is done. There are simply not enough of the Ape People to form a feasible base of procreation, without ushering in generations of genetic imperfections. Yet still they live. Their days consist of hunting and feasting; their nights of hiding and mourning. They are a dead peoples, no thanks to the Scalethein Empire's actions over the last few centuries. They exist only through their warrior spirit, and their unbending will to live when only death can accomodate them. Under the cautious and wise guidance of Galarg, the Last King of the Prometheans, they have been able to live a rather peaceful existence - away from the multitude of hostiles that lay in wait for them beyond the jungle's bounds. If they are lucky, perhaps they will be allowed to go quietly into the night. Not so! For Galarg may be cautious, but like all Tall Apes before him, he is equally ambitious. He refuses to acknowledge that his people are on their death bed, and still dreams of glory. From his jungle refuge, he plots the future of the children he shall never have, of the future that has already been decided. [b]Other:[/b] Galarg and his peoples represent the last of the original Prometheans (lesser breeds/mixed breeds still exist elsewhere), and once he is gone, they will be irreversibly extinct. [/hider] - [color=fff200]Promethean Character (Neutral)[/color] [h3][u]Government Officials[/u][/h3] [hider=Senator Stonebrim] [b]Character Name:[/b] Senator Ackwell Stonebrim [b]Character Gender:[/b] Male [b]Character Race:[/b] Dwarf [b]Character Age:[/b] 61 [b]Character Appearance:[/b] Senator Stonebrim is a fat and short Dwarf, with balding black hair but a finely trimmed beard. He cannot boast the appearance of a warrior, though one has to wonder what he keeps under his voluminous and colourful robes - it can't all be fat, surely!? He has yellow eyes, and perfect white teeth. A bulbous nose peaks forth from his face, and is by far the most prominent feature of his appearance - and tends to be where strangers first look when he greets them. [b]Character's Role Within Nation:[/b] Senator [b]Character Background Info:[/b] The Chief Foreman of the Uthein Smelter's Alliance, Senator Stonebrim bought his way into political prominence. Even his title, [i]Senator[/i], was paid for; though this is hardly unsurprisingly, given the Senate's famed elitism. Many joke that he even paid his mother to push harder when he was born, so that he would not have to lift a finger to free himself from her womb. Despite his affluence, and his power, Senator Stonebrim is known as a decent and compassionate man. He lavishes the poor quaters of Uthein with his riches, and employs down trodden individuals when possible. Indeed, it is not uncommon for widows to approach his estate in search of financial relief - and so far, it is believed he does not take advantage of them. Somewhat of a socialite, Stonebrim's hobbies involve eating and drinking in the company of others, and end there. He is a keen supporter of the Kobold Queen, and a model citizen when it comes to upholding the Empire's values of social cohesion and equality among cultures. At the RP's start, Senator Stonebrim has been charged with the task of opening the "Stoneguard Review", a Senate-sponsored investigation into Warmaster Bloodaxe's business, and whether the existence of himself and his men is legal. [b]Other:[/b] N/A [/hider] [h3][u]Generals[/u][/h3] < E M P T Y > [h3][u]Scientists/Inventors[/u][/h3] < E M P T Y > [h3][u]Explorers[/u][/h3] < E M P T Y > [h3][u]Soldiers[/u][/h3] [hider=Warren] [b]Character Name:[/b] Warren [b]Character Gender:[/b] Male [b]Character Race:[/b] Cobold [b]Character Age:[/b] Eighty nine [b]Character Appearance:[/b] Warren is not much to look at. A Cobold, he possess fits of brightly colored scales which clash with his naturally darker scales covering most of his frame. His eyes are green, a mutation, though it effects little other than how people see him. Three feet and six inches tall, and even though old he is still muscular and fit. Warren dresses himself in his armor most times, a simple yet effective steel breastplate. When not in active combat he wears leather to protect his shoulders and legs, though in battle metal plates are instead worn. Over the armor Warren wears a blue cloak, the badge of office for the Queen's Guard. At all times Warren also wears a dagger at his waist, and a short spear strapped to his back. Aside from the cloak Warren wears nothing else in the way of decoration, jewelry not suiting the mindset of Warren. [b]Character's Role Within Nation:[/b] Head of the Queen's Guard [b]Character Background Info:[/b] Warren grew up on the streets of Scale Home, and lived a peaceful life until the war with Zaqir. It was there that he first tasted combat, and there that he caught the attention of Queen Liika. Once the war was over Warren was a Queen's Guard, and a lover of the Queen. The Queen bore him one daughter before the monarch's end. Warren was one of the [/hider] [hider=Elein] [b]Character Name:[/b] Elein Hillfang [b]Character Gender:[/b] Female [b]Character Race:[/b] Kobold [b]Character Age:[/b] 42 [b]Character Appearance:[/b] Elein stands three feet tall, and has a muscular, heavy frame; this would suggest to an onlooker that she is a kobold giant, built and bred for war. They'd be right. Scars line her powerful jaws, and stand as testimony to the many battles she has fought in both arenas and on behalf of the Empire in the field of battle. Her slender farm is likewise marred by various wounds, all of them sustained in her reighteous quest to instill herself as the finest warrior the Empire has ever produced. Red eyes and yellowed fangs are the first thing to greet a person, and she is somewhat more menacing in appearance than an average kobold. Her scales are a shade of green and purple, and appear patchy. Her war attire consists of light iron chainmail, and she does not wear a helm. Outside of combat, she wears traditional Kobold robes of varying colours. [b]Character's Role Within Nation:[/b] Aspiring Stone Guard [b]Character Background Info:[/b] Tired of the Empire's clinical military doctrine, and disliking the idea of chaining herself to family life, Elein has embarked upon an impossible quest: join the Stone Guard, a Dwarf-only warrior outfit. Her story will be one of hilarity, adversity, blood, tears and self-discovery. [b]Other:[/b] [/hider] [h3][u]Common Folk[/u][/h3] < E M P T Y > [center]Players may have as many characters as they wish.[/center] [/hider]