[@Xiphonic] [color=ed1c24]"I doubt they have terminals, but they'd be a little harder to hack into. The older the system, the harder to get into. In these times despite their intentions for better security, they've made it so much easier to hack."[/color] He then considered her question for a moment. [color=ed1c24]"That could actually be a very high possibility considering they're risking so much so soon. Which means they're prepared with everything they've got to capture us if we do try to escape. As much as I don't like being cooped up in here all day, I think I'd rather gain their trust for now than end up getting locked in a deep freezer."[/color] he decided to bring up something he was uncertain about. [color=ed1c24]"I had my own thought. What if the hostage they're talking about isn't actually inside of the facility? Sure it's a trial mission but I see no reason for them not to try and mess with us some how."[/color]