There wasn't anywhere to put it on the species sheet (and I still gotta start on the nation sheet itself) but this species makes up a tiny minority of my nation. Tiny as in the max number I'll put in my nation would be in the 3 digits. [hider=Ayels] [center] [img][/img] [b]Name of Species:[/b] Ayel [b]Genetic Compatibility:[/b] None whatsoever; they are only capable of mating with members of their own species. [b]Physical Characteristics:[/b] The differences between male and female ayels are so small as to be practically non-existent. Thy are both exceptionally tall (averaging 8 feet in height), thin, and nearly hairless humanoids. Their skin is usually a shade of grey though white and black skin isn't unheard of, and they have no faces aside from their round, gaping mouths, though there are also small pits located above their mouths. The only major difference between males and females is that males are completely hairless while females usually have some hair located on the backs of their heads (said hair is always pure white, but most ayel women will dye their hair a variety of colours). [b]Life-Span:[/b] Though the maximum lifespan of the ayels is approximately 1,000 years, most will only live to be several hundred before they begin to suffer from a variety of degenerative diseases that eventually end in their death. [b]Diet:[/b] Technically the ayels would be considered carnivorous, but they do not eat in the same manner as most creatures. Instead of actively consuming the flesh of creatures, they instead latch onto an animal with their circular mouths and suck out the creature's blood and vital fluids. [b]Racial Attributes:[/b] Ayels are stronger than their spindly statures would indicate, easily able to overpower and outlast any average human. Other than this, there are several more distinct attributes the species has. First and foremost is their sight, or rather their lack of it. The ayels have no eyes and as such do not see in the same manner as most others races; instead they have small pits located above their mouths. These pits are able to detect heat, and as such the ayels "see" completely in thermal. The ayels' reproduction is unique as well, even discounting the strange shapes of their reproductive organs. First and foremost is the fact that they are exceptionally infertile; it is rare for them to successfully conceive children, even discounting the commonality of stillbirths and miscarriages. And in addition, even more uniquely, they are fully capable of controlling the gender of their children. The determining factor of an ayel baby's gender is the temperature their mother was exposed to during her pregnancy. Colder temperatures will result in males whilst warmer temperatures result in female children. [b]Age:[/b] According to the ayels themselves they are the first race and have existed since the dawn of time. In truth while their race is ancient, they are closer to 600,000 years old. [/center] [/hider]