People who say "Today's (Insert shit here) sucks! It was way better in (insert generation here)!". I'm sure people will be saying the exact same thing about today's (Insert shit here) when we've had a generation or so for everything mediocre-bad to sink into obscurity. It's all a matter of preference. Were there good things in those days? Yes. There's also good things now. The video game market may seem overrun with brown shooters, but decades ago, the video game market was overrun with neon-colored platformers. Pop is terrible today? Rock was terrible back then. There was good stuff, of course, (just like there's good pop, if you know where to look.) but all those glam stock characters and caricatures of metalheads? Their jabs aren't based on exagerrations. There's [i]good[/i] stuff out there, you just have to go through the effort of finding it, just like people did way back when. Do you think that if something's [i]good[/i], its fandom will just spring up out of nowhere? Of course not! Everything starts small, people have to find out about it. You can be someone who just sits there and grumbles about everything being shitty these days, or you can actually go about finding things that suit your interests.