[h2][color=coral][list]Thuraya Azize[/list][/color][/h2] Thuraya kept her silence as the conversation began. This was when she started really taking in who was there. Eyes silently scanned every new person, watched interactions with those that she already knew. So this was the Prince Cyril, was it? He didn't look like much, in her opinion. It was as he mentioned that they would need his help as much as he needed theirs that she let out a soft, stifled chuckle. When the other two chiefs started to agree, her eyes snapped over to Seryosa. The blunt "no" from the woman allowed Thuraya's smirk to stick on her face. The Prince's advances afterward had the young scorpionfolk's blade dragged across the floor quickly without even being lifted out of it first(which undoubtedly left a new scar in said floor), left hand tightened on it's hilt, held in a way that the blade was then between him and Seryosa, smirk faded in favour of a scowl, tail raised in defense, pointed directly at him. She would not strike first, no, but she would defend with her life if it came to that. The words "decision by combat" left his lips and her eyes widened slightly, lips parted as though she were going to speak but remained in silence. Seryosa agreed then, setting the time and numbers. Thuraya left her eyes on Cyril as she took a few steps backwards and finally lifted her sword with relative ease out of the floor. She stared only for a moment longer before turning, letting her tail down out of it's guarded position brought her sword up over her shoulder and took a few running steps to catch up with Seryosa. [b][color=coral]"I'm going to fight for you. Don't tell me no, I'm strong enough now. I'll take them all down myself if I have to!"[/color][/b] Her tone was soft at first, but became full of purpose and determination. She would not fail her. Seryosa gave Thuraya the briefest of smirks, before her gaze went back forwards. The giant snow leopard continued to pad along behind them before it sped up slightly to walk next to the Chief as well, and her hand went out to gently scratch it behind one of the ears as they walked. [b]"I'm counting on that, but you shouldn't have to. Not with Badain and Mizra still up for hire."[/b] Thuraya nodded and gave a small grin. [b][color=coral]"Of course. Still, I won't let you down."[/color][/b] She'd been taught not to underestimate an enemy, and she didn't. But that didn't change her views. If it came down to it, she would fight them all her self, that was no lie on her behalf. She owed Seryosa a great deal, though that was barely reasoning to why she would throw her life in danger for the woman.