[URL=http://s1088.photobucket.com/user/TheCreator7/media/00-Frequent%20RPs/Ixonias%20Apothecury%20and%20Miscellaneous%20Items/Final_zpsi3a5jwub.gif.html][IMG]http://i1088.photobucket.com/albums/i325/TheCreator7/00-Frequent%20RPs/Ixonias%20Apothecury%20and%20Miscellaneous%20Items/Final_zpsi3a5jwub.gif[/IMG][/URL] [b][color=bc8dbf] Ixonia was guiding her ship into a light of civilization or so she hoped. She would set the warnings and guards before going ashore. At least she was dressed in her captain's gear and wouldn't have to change clothes. She was quite protective of herself when landed on new territory. One never knew what might happen if one was not careful. She made sure that she had enough coppers, silver and few gold coins as well as her own weapons. She walked the plank and gently landed on the ground. Ixonia made her way into the Tavern and to the counter. She simple called out "Bar tender. A good mead here if you please. Some pretzels or bread to go with it would be appreciated." [/color][/b] [URL=http://s1088.photobucket.com/user/TheCreator7/media/00-Frequent%20RPs/Ixonias%20Apothecury%20and%20Miscellaneous%20Items/145593294283424_zpslhqs4n36.gif.html][IMG]http://i1088.photobucket.com/albums/i325/TheCreator7/00-Frequent%20RPs/Ixonias%20Apothecury%20and%20Miscellaneous%20Items/145593294283424_zpslhqs4n36.gif[/IMG][/URL]