”You lost?” The man snarled at the shorter man. He was tall, 6'6, likely had some giants blood in him. Flanked by two humans wielding pieces of planks as weapons, the thug thought he owned the road as he stared down Hiro. Hiro for his part was enterily calm and just looked back at the ugly face infront of him with mild dissinterest. His clothes were so worn down that most thought him a simple homeless man. Well, it was true he was homeless, but he was far from simple. And now there was a bunch of thugs in his way, meaing to shake him down. ”No... No I am pretty sure I read the map right” he answered. ”Now. Please don't make this anymore ak-” He tilted his head to the side, stepped a little to the right and dodged the bigger mans punch with ease. The thug blinked, the sucker punch strategy having mostly worked without a hitch before. Yet this time he had missed. The vagrant didn't seem to move any further. No sign of agression on his calm face. ”As I was saying. Don't make this anymore akward.” The flippant attitude pissed the big man off even worse. He growled and stepped in for another punch. Again, the same thing. Only this time Hiro stepped around to the mans left, spinning on his heel and ending up back to back with the brute. ”Sloppy” he admonished. ”No footwork at all.” The two humans decided this was the time to smash the smug looking hobo with planks. Yet all their primitive weapons found was the back of their comrade who let out a shreek and stumbled forward. As the two looked both confused and terrified, Hiro stepped up beside them. Before they could reach, his fingers dug into a shoulder each and forced them to drop their weapons in pain. ”This is the Rending Claw style. If I want to, i can tear your shoulders clean off. But I won't becouse that would be rude.” HE said as he tightened this grip, making the two men to whimper in pain. As he let go, the two ran, holding their shoulders in pain. It was about this time, the big thug rose to his legs. His face was red with rage. He charged at his new nemesis, roaring like a gorilla as he lifted a massive hand to smack the man who was making him look like a fool. ”Devestating Palm style. Water around the rock.” Hiro breathed out softly as he blocked the punch with a open hand. The kinetic force of the blow was absorbed by the seal in palm as he smashed his other palm agianst the mans chest. The big oaf was sent flying like a ragdoll, tumbling and rolling across the floor before skidding into the opposite wall. Hiro frowned as he looked around, behind a counter a balding fat man peeked up. The owner of the Inn that Hiro had just trashed. ”See..:” HE complained. ”Now it IS awkard.” He stated as he surveyed the damage. ”Since I am broke.” ”It's... allright... just leave my inn please?” The owner said helpfully. This made Hiro frown but he bowed to the man none the less. ”Thank you” He said. ”Your genoristity will be remembered” He smiled with eyes and mouth as he said it, entirely genuine in his respect. Thats when he stepped out into a street full of thugs. ”Ah.” The smile drained from his face as he took a position. ”I must warn you. You only brought ten guys, that's alot of bang for very little buck.” He made a ”come hither” motion at the mob and watched them run at him with knives and clubs. ”Devestating palm style. The Eleven Steps of Enlightment” He smiled as he took a step forward. ”Step one, find your center” He is legs spread out broadly as he duck a sword and smashed his palm against the attackers rib, hearing them crack. Another step. ”Step two, redirect your anger and anguish.” He redirected a incoming punch with one palm and smashed his other against the face of some poor man, breaking his nose. A sweeping circular pivot on his heel and his left foot stomped down hard on the foot of a man armed with a club. ”Step three, stop all fleeting thoughts.” ”Step four. Clear all thoughts” He slapped his palms against the sides of a particulary big attacker, rattling the poor mans brain so bad he foamed at the mouth. ”Step five. Push away all other thoughs.” He smashed his palms into two different attacks that tried to flank him, sending them flying. ”Step Six. Give to others.” Another spinning step and sweep tripped one attacker before Hiro sent him flying into two others. He breathed out slowly. ”As one day they will give to you.” ”Step Seven. Embrace the pain, as it is your teacher.” He took a punch but spun to deflect and lessen the blow, smashing his arcane powered pals against two other attackers, sending them flying. ”Step eight” He in among three attackers. ”Eliminate all distractions” Three rapid palm strikes later, each of them lay on the ground, writhing in pain. He turnedto the leader of the bunch . A big man wielding a sword and wearing a plateharness. It was only him left standing. ”Step Nine. Relinquish all possesions” He ducked under the sword and smashed his palm to the mans fingers to make him drop his weapon. Then he smashed the clasps of the mans armor, breaking them and making the plates fall of his torso. Hiro smiles and took a wide stance. ”Step ten. Close your eyes and feel the emptyness.” His eyes fluttered close. The man charched. ”Step Eleven” he said softly. ”Expell everything from your being but the feeling of nothingness.” As he opened his eyes both his palms smashed the attacker, sending him flying backwards in a long, high arch. Blood poured from his nose and mouth, describing a trail in thair of saliva and blood. ”And that.” He bowed. ”is why you people should take it easy..”