[@Jageroux][@FellbloodFool][@Infichi][@Classpet][@samreaper][@Great Sogeking] Away from the eyes of the public two men resided in a storehouse with no windows, the only source of light were dimly lit lamps. One man was on his knees, his hands cuffed and his feet in chains while the other was sitting down on a large wooden crate of rum. This second man, dressed in a sleazy purple jacket and leopard patterned shirt, tossed a bottle of rum up in the air and caught the bottle, only to repeat the process as he spoke. [color=92278f]"Ya know, I never understood why we always place high class prisoners in rooms where we can't see a bloody thing. I guess it's supposed all doom and gloom with, well, with your head going in a basket, but it's a bit silly. We're supposed to make an example out of you, it's our job though it's more like we're offering everyone some entertainment."[/color] The man shrugged and caught the bottle of rum again, popping the lid off with a push of his thumb. [color=92278f]"So while you've still got your head, care to share a drink with me?"[/color] The prisoner, a middle aged man with long maroon hair tied in a pony tail, looked up at the odd marine with his shining gray eyes. He chuckled, amused with this man's antics. [color=9e0b0f]"Drinking on the job with a prisoner no less. Heh, it would be rude of me to refuse since you worded it so eloquently. Toss me a bottle."[/color] The marine nodded and tossed him the bottle of rum, the prisoner caught the bottle with his cuffed hand and opened it with just a twist from his fingers. The aroma of the rum was so familiar, so warm, so sweet. With just a sip, the thick amber rushed over his tongue and burned the back of his throat. The two drank in silence for whoever knows how long. The prisoner, the yonko, didn't have much to say and the marine respected the man's silence. That was, until, his curiosity got the better of him.[color=92278f] "Why did you turn yourself in? You weren't in any danger from us so why do it? What's your angle?"[/color] There was silence for a few seconds until the clink of the pirate's rum bottle met the stone floor. [color=9e0b0f]"The world will be shaken in ways you never thought possible. A new generation of pirates will flourish forth and bring upon a great change, a golden era and I will be its instigator. With each passing day my dream gets farther and farther way from me. I'll pave the way for these rookies to succeed in where I have failed. I can only wish that I would have been able to see it with my own eyes."[/color] The man picked up his bottle again and downed the few droplets left in it. [color=9e0b0f]"Shame, toss me another bottle will ya?"[/color] Nonchalantly, the marine tossed the pirate another bottle of rum and leaned back on the crate he was sitting on. [color=92278f]"I really should kill you here and now. You're a threat to the world's balance, yet..."[/color] A coy smile spread along his face. He leaned forward and placed his hands together, thinking about the pirate's words. Life really was a bore. There had been little in the way of exciting events going on in the world and let's face it, sitting around doing paperwork made life only the more staler. This pirate, no, this yonko brought a spark of excitement in his life in an otherwise dull world. Things were going to become much more interesting from now on. The massive double-doors of the storehouse were pushed open by two marine grunts, pouring in river of light. [color=92278f]"I believe it's time for me to go. Executions don't really sit well with me so I hope you understand. Goodbye, Fenir."[/color] The yonko grinned and shook his head in response. [color=9e0b0f]"We'll be seeing each other soon, Beast King."[/color] [i]Later[/i] The buzz from the crowd ever so incessantly grew louder and louder with their impatience. It was barbaric in a way; many of these people were here to see the blood of a pirate splatter around, just because watching someone lose their head was entertaining. For some it was retribution for what their enemy has done to them and for some they simply were paying their respects to the yonko. Some were just the reporters that were trying to catch the gruesome scene for their viewers. Two marines walked up onto the execution platform, cutlasses in hand as they waited for the pirate. It was at that moment that things became deathly quiet, a thick tension replaced the breathable air in the area. Behind them were two marines holding rifles escorting the man himself, the yonko [url=http://i.imgur.com/5yGhVbK.jpg]Fenir.[/url] [b]"Out of the way."[/b] More marines arrived and began to push the crowd apart to create a path way, a very open one at that. Fenir walked straight down the middle of the path, careful to not look anyone in the crowd in the eye. Slowly, he walked up the steps of the execution platform and at the top he sat on his knees, the blades of the cutlasses drew very close to his neck. Through all of this he had a proud grin on his face, a trait of a man that didn't fear death even when it's in his face. [b]"Do you, Jackdaw 'Fenir' Morgan, have any last words?"[/b] The marine asked, receiving a nod from the pirate. The crowd remained silent, as if a whisper would've been too loud to hear the yonko. This man, love him or hate him, had a presence that commanded attention from whoever he was speaking to. His presence alone was powerful, inhumanly powerful. It wasn't hard to imagine why this man was a yonko at all; he was monster of the highest caliber. This was a man who commanded a crew, a small one at that, that single handily could bring down a fleet of marines on their own though none of them could even touch their captain. Only he could lead a crew such as his; charismatic, intelligent, and powerful. Fenir was a man to be admired and to be feared. Fenir glanced around the crowd seeing many familiar faces, some not so kind faces; enemies he had faced, jealous rivals, ex-lovers...many ex-lovers. They were all happy for one reason or another to see him die, but he didn't mind their animosity. [color=9e0b0f]"Heh, such a big turn out all for little old me? I'm flattered, I really am."[/color] A bottle flew through the air from the crowd and with a loud crash, the bottle broke against his head though his head didn't have mark from the impact. [b]"Just die already!"[/b] Someone yelled from the crowd, getting the man's laughter in return. [color=9e0b0f]"Impatient, impatient."[/color] He muttered with an entertained grin on his face. [color=9e0b0f]"Heh, I'll get straight to it then. What is it that you all want? What is it that you all desire and is it worth going to hell and back? Why do I ask such meaningless questions you ask? Well, I have knowledge of the location of a map to the greatest prize in the world. We all have heard the fairy tale from our parents at some point. The city of wishes, where all desires within our hearts are granted. A city of magic, of wealth: La Ciudad de Fantasia. It exists and I want you all to have a fighting chance to find it. So why should I tell you all of this? If you're thinking that I'm telling you all of this as a dying man's word. I don't intend on dying today."[/color] The two blades that the executioners held suddenly shattered at the same time; two bullets had flew through the blade. In a blur, the two executioners were smashed off the platforms by Fenir straight to the ground. The yonko whistled and called out, [color=9e0b0f]"Hanz, Christoph!"[/color] People began to yell and scream in the crowd; two gray wolves the size of bears ran through the crowd and leaped high to the platform. Hanz turned into an over sized chakram that sliced through cuffs of its master. Christoph landed next to him and howled, its body began to grow metal armor around its body and serrated chains ran through its body. Hanz and Christoph, his two weapons: the chakram and chainsaw hounds. Mayhem ran rampant in Rum Town. Marines fought against the Fenir Pirates and allies though there were unsavory characters that decided to take this as an opportunity. Mostly pirates who were going to use this as a chance to make money, in one way or another.