Security cameras didn't record enough frames per second to capture Mithias at the speed he could move. A short distance away, the vampire went off road. Werewolves were in the area, and they would show up in the surrounding country. No matter how young or modern they were, they all felt a call to return to the wilderness. It was time for Mithias to do some tracking, to find out what they were up to. He slowed down when he came to a great open field. Some farmer had been using this land for beef cattle a few years ago, but now the field was left to overgrow. Slowly the trees were moving in to retake it around the edges. It was rather peaceful. He stood still, and eventually the sounds of crickets and frogs returned to their previous level of hum all around him. A silver-lined dagger rode comfortably aside his long thigh, just in case. The din of the bugs defeated any chance at hearing anything significant, but Mithias wasn't listening for abnormal noises. He was listening for abnormal silence.