The Prince's eyes wandered about his surroundings as Batman spoke. He was taking in as much visual information as he could; information about people, their surroundings, level of technology, weapons at their disposal. While not quite at the level of superstitious natives hurling fire-hardened sticks at thunder in hopes of frightening away the evil spirits therein, their tech had not advanced at a rate with which he felt fully comfortable. It seemed that lovely grey area where it was not so primitive as to be useless to him, but yet not advanced enough that he could recognize the function of most devices without explanation. The people looked very much like refugees. A mismatched bundle of differences thrown together by desperation and fear. Yet hope persisted, like a nagging cough you just couldn't clear. He had to hand it to these people, whatever the dire emergency was that beat them bloody and threatened to do so again, they stubbornly stood against it, waving rude gestures in its face. They were fighters. In his mind, while surveying the landscape, Batman's voice sounded much like this: "Blah blah, blahbidy blah blah. Blah blargh, yakity fahrvergnügen, blah blah father has been compromised by Braniac." Wait. His eyes darted directly back to the Dark Knight, narrowing. The cowled Terran now had his full, undivided attention. His reason for even being on this rock just evaporated. Perhaps a new one took its place. He didn't know his father personally, but it was his entire goal to come to this place, meet the man, and learn from him. He had zero love for Brainiac - the bastard was responsible for so much death on his homeworld, Almerac, weakening it to a point that it could be shattered utterly by another. The Empire stood, such as it was, its capitol planet replaced by a flotilla of Imperial vessels: flagships and worldships, luxury vacation liners replacing cities, mining and processing vessels filling the manufacturing needs of the new Capitol Fleet. The survivors of their people, in that time of extreme strife, turned back to the single strongest and most militarily inclined entity to lead them: The House of the Blood Royale. Still, the powerful youth stood to inherit a target, still weakened and rebuilding, if Brainiac was allowed to use Earth the way he used Warworld and tried to use Almerac. "Brainiac... is here." he stated flatly. That certainly explained a lot. The Almeracian kept his posture dignified and face as neutral as he could, despite growing anger that peeked out irregularly. "I have abilities most similar to Mother's, though they present differently. I am not as powerful as she, [i]yet[/i]. Still I may be of use in your endeavor. Tell me everything you know, then advise me of where I shall be most useful."