[b]Day 16, Midmorning[/b] [color=00a651]Edgar_Walther[/color] [@BlackPanther][@DestinyStar] [color=f7941d][i]The sun was up, and the birds were singing, but I was so warm and cozy in my bed I didn't want to get up yet. I'd had a nasty dream last night, and I didn't want to face the gruesome reality of the death game yet. I roll over and pull the blanket over my head, blocking out the morning light as snuggle closer to the ... warm soft... that not a blanket.... fumbling about in my rather groggy and only reluctantly waking mental state, I push at the bit closest to my head, and feel warm smooth skin under linen bandages, and hair that isn't mine. Finally it all clicks. Yelping in surprise I jump out of bed, or at least that was my intent. The end result is rather different unfortunately. Still wrapped in the blanket I fall out of bed and onto another body. That of our rescuer and healer, and startled by his sudden appearance I try to scramble away again and end up hitting my head rather squarely on the chest at the foot of the bed. Dazed, with one foot still tangled in the covers, and suddenly reminded of pain, my other wounds chime in their own echoes discomfort, though really I should feel much worse than I do, I lay still on the floor and come to the ever so belated conclusion that last night hadn't been just a nightmare after all. Then I realize I'd just made a fool of myself after having slept with a girl for the first time, even thought this really didn't count since we were both still in our armor from the night before... I'm an idiot all right. Oh well, she's probably already got a guy anyway, so maybe I'm better off over reacting... okay maybe not so much on the overreacting bit.[/i][/color] [color=00a651]"Morning... I'ma go back to sleep now."[/color] [color=f7941d][i]Edgar Walther kicked his foot out of the blanket and rolled under the bed where it was cool and dark, and propped his head on an arm, facing the wall. His face was a wonderful shade of scarlet as he considered just how close he'd come to doing something inappropriate with a complete stranger. His mother was going to kill him when he got home, if this game didn't kill him first.[/i][/color]