[h1]Nidhogg[/h1] "Quite a good mother you've got there then, might end up biting you in the ass one day, but hey, you were a good person right to the end and that's what matters, right?" Now be a dear and lead me to the butcher's shop, yes, cause I'm new to town and don't really have any idea where it is. A tourist, you see, here for the games, though I find them rather droll recently." As Nidhogg spoke, he was trying to test how far he could flex his muscles. However, one stretch seemed to cause something to snap, as a crack resonated through the street. A piece of his rib was now sticking out of his chest, the red of his blood leaking out at a quite rapid rate now and further ruining his shirt, a fact that left Nidhogg rather put out. "And please do hurry with it, as it seems that things have gotten a bit worse, yeah. Sorry to rush, but this isn't exactly pleasant, in fact, it's quite annoying. Now I can't even move my arms without risking even more tearing. Ugh, what a day this is turning out to be, really?" [@Lunarlors34]