[b]Jarvis[/b] [@Natsume Honnaji] [color=aba000]"Well, that's fine, we just have to organise a room"[/color] He said, [color=aba000]"The hotel's probably close to capacity now, but we should be able to figure something out in any case"[/color] He said, going over to the concierge, beginning t organise a room for Robin. It didn't take long for a room to be found, and Jarvis took the key, holding it out for Robin to take. [color=aba000]"There's a curfew in place for all guilds, you need to be back before midnight for it, try not to get into any fights, and any damage tot he rooms needs to be reported"[/color] He said [b]Master Jamie[/b] [@Jangel13][@Joshua Tamashii] Jamie smiled, glad to please Elyse, and to have the girls attention directed at something else, other then Jamie's state of mind. [color=f26522]"Then how about we find Amelia?[/color]" She said, rising, [color=f26522]"I need to stop and check on Jackie too[/color]" She looked up as the bird landed on her shoulder, recognising it, and taking the note, reading it (What does it say?) [b]Penny[/b] [@burthstone] Penny could figure out what the attack would mean. No doubt there was some blood on her somehwere, and chances were, Grant would be able to find it with his magic. She merely smiled. It wouldn't be the first time she had dealt with Blood magic, after all. Magic always had a weakness, and as long as she didn't allow Grant to touch her, Penny imagined she would be alright. She imagined, at least. Penny was tired of this dancing around. She planted her feet, [color=f7976a]"Wing Slash of the Phoenix!"[/color] She shouted, and a wing formation slashed in front of her, towards Grant, an inferno that would, hopefully, stop the mage.