[center][color=C2B280][h3]Fleo Plector – Crocus Streets[/h3][/color] [@CirusArvennicus][@t2wave][/center] Though deep in her own suspicions and observations, Trinity received only an inquisitive if blank look from her dusty companion after she received a nudge and heard her comment. Wondering if she hadn't been paying attention, and not eager to create an awkward moment with a bout of thickheadedness, Fleo followed the minstrel's gaze and managed to spot Ariel along with her, though her mind did not race to the intriguing conclusion that Trinity's had. [color=C2B280]“Oh. Yeah, I guess so.”[/color] She puffed up her upper lip in meditation, before releasing it in one long, slow breath. Fortunately, the other Phoenix Winger reached for a solution before Fleo could tentatively offer any thoughts of her own. [color=C2B280]”Yeah, that sounds right.”[/color] A smile flitted across her face at the memory of the job with Annalise, the girl trapped in a living dream. Wherever she was, Fleo hoped, she was alright. The thought of living each moment without the definite reassurance that she might just cease to exist the next would have destroyed Fleo. Realizing thanks to Trinity that she'd lost herself in thought again -what was it with this morning? Especially if her friend might be in danger- she gave a cheery wave to the reporter before jogging after Trinity. Almost immediately, she created a Sirocco to smoothly surf along the street, making her journey swift, comfortable, and easy. In Crocus, traveling never waxed boring, so despite the not-insignificant distance between the Phoenix Wing hotel and the Doma Flau, the journey seemed remarkably swift. Before long, Fleo rode into the arena on her Sirocco, the slightly-winded minstrel not far behind. Without much ceremony she scooted up to Ariel after spotting her distinctively colorful hair in the crowd, only to be greeted without enthusiasm. [color=C2B280]”Uh, yeah. Isn't magic bad for you?”[/color] Fleo crossed her arms, the dust cushion still swirling around her feet. When standing on it, she appeared taller than normal—as would be readily apparent to Ariel. [center][color=d8bfd8][h3]Nero the Genie – Crocus Streets[/h3][/color] [@liferusher][@crimson raven][/center] After a surprised moment, Nero threw his trademark grin Ayame's way. [color=d8bfd8]”If that is your wish, it will be done! You'll be the finest assistant a magician could ever ask for...and aren't you perfect for the role? You're as cute as a button.”[/color] He snapped his fingers, creating a red ribbon around his little friend's neck and bow in her hair. With such a look, paired with quiet joy from a pleasant meal, the girl seemed the very image of sweetness and innocence. Nero looked away from her as he stood up, leaving her to play with her bow is she liked, and watched Eve fork the last bite of her pancake into her mouth before heaving herself into her feet. He held out a hand, she took it, and without further ado they walked out of the parlor with Ayame on their heels. No doubt the two seemed a very odd pair: he with that odd smile and nigh-weaselly look, she jiggling outrageously with every other step, and she more than twice as heavy as he. Yet only the most callous and judgmental of hearts might postulate that their relationship did not in fact embody heartfelt affection. In the direction of the Doma Flau, the trio tread. At a leisurely pace they traversed the city, so by the time they arrived in the arena, the first event of Day Four's games had not only begun, but seemingly climaxed. Nero led the way, as one might expect from the self-proclaimed 'Emperor' of Miracle Eye, to a new and interesting set of seats: some close to Iron Enigma. As he seated himself, Nero discovered a strange fellow standing on the edge of the walkway, watching the games. After a few moments of curious observations, Nero gave a reassuring grin to his friends before vaulting over the seatbacks and into the main walkway. After sauntering up to the railing, Nero leaned forward theatrically, his chin rested in a gloved palm. Through his characteristic squint his black eyes swept over the face of the stranger, rendering him stranger no longer. [color=d8bfd8]”Good morning! Say, friend, I hope I'm not intruding. Far be it from me to stick my nose in other people's business, but you just seemed so...down. I hate to see someone else in a rut; it's my responsibility as a wizard to be considerate of others.”[/color] Of course, the amount of wizards who actually displayed such a trait could be counted on one hand, and there would be fingers left over. [color=d8bfd8]”Is there any way I can help you, buddy?”[/color] Adjusting his glasses, Nero beamed at Ferrin: charity itself.