[quote=@ASTA] Where do manly ideals come from? [/quote] I dunno, history. They've always been around. There's bs from the medieval times that still carries over just because it was there, it wasn't broken, and nobody fixed it. Why do we shake hands? Romans, probably. Why is pointing rude? It has something to do with implying dominance or some shit. The only theory I can really come up with is that, since males tend to get easier dopamine fixes establishing dominance and doing dangerous things, that the social constructs formed naturally over the generations so that all men could act like/establish themselves as the ultimate badass, because that's the guy who gets to survive and breed all the kids. Eventually this becomes the unhealthy notion that every man has to be the ultimate badass at all times, which leads to them refusing to talk about shit and denying their pain, even if it tears them apart. 'Because the movie cowboys can do it, why can't I?' Nobody informs the subconscious that the ultimate badass you're supposed to be isn't particularly human...