[h2][color=OrangeRed]Dawn [/color] and [color=SkyBlue]Elizabeth[/color] [color=ForestGreen]Daniels[/color] - Crocus[/h2] [@Lunarlors34] It was evident by this point that Cody was just some passerby. If he'd been part of the Council he would have said so by now and a dark guild member would act more kindly to those they intended to kidnap to lure them into a false sense of security. No Cody was just someone who'd happened to walk past at the right moment. Dawn didn't particularly care for Cody's tone. It wasn't as though Elizabeth had hurt anyone. So she'd held up a street for a couple of minutes and knocked down a display stall. There were plenty of non magical people that had done much more terrible things. [color=OrangeRed]"It ain't like it can get much worse, not cause ah a bitta ice anyway."[/color] When Cody's disposition changed Dawn instantly knew that he'd come to the conclusion of why Dawn had brought Elizabeth here. From the way she acted and the earlier display it was clear that Elizabeth had problems with her magic. When Cody started to speak again Dawn's eyes darkened. He took a step towards the wizard and grabbed him by the collar, his words slow with a clear threat to them. It was difficult to see in the direct sunlight but to the observant eye his skin appeared to glow ever so slightly. [color=OrangeRed]"There ain't nothin' 'wrong' with my sister."[/color] Dawn couldn't abide people that talked about Elizabeth that way. Sure she was somewhat out of the ordinary and she didn't think or act like most people but that did not inherently make her broken. She was one of the smartest people that Dawn knew even if the manner in which she expressed her intelligence was often hard to understand. [color=OrangeRed]"She's not broke and she don't need ta be fixed. Clear?"[/color] he said pointedly. [color=OrangeRed]"Good. We're both a little unsteady with our magic. As the Games are taking place in this city I figured this was as good a place as any to do some research, that's all."[/color] Dawn let go of Cody's collar and took a step back. It was at this moment that he realized that Elizabeth was once again gone. Back in Clover Town when this happened it was usually easy to find her. The locals all knew to look out for her if she was on her own and the town wasn't all that big. In a city like Crocus however who knew where she might wander off to or what kind of trouble she could get into. They weren't in a small town anymore. There could be serious consequences if she ended up in the wrong place. [color=OrangeRed]"Damn it."[/color] Dawn swore under his breath. he turned back to Cody. [color=OrangeRed]"Did you see which way she wandered off to?"[/color] Dawn didn't really have high hopes that he'd seen anything but there was always a chance. He started scanning the crowd hoping to get a glimpse of his sister running through the streets. She'd mentioned wanting Cotton Candy. Maybe that was were she'd gone.