Another successful battle. Though this time it’s victory had not that much to do with the aptitude of the mages of New Engelica. Eléane began to see how the monsters of the Darkness worked. They were a horde. Uncontrolled and without strategy. Resorting to basic instincts. The giant fishes, which the mages swiftly called Leviathans, were a testament to that. They were defeated by simply being lured in by rafts and confiscated ships. Even the harpies were driven by pure bloodlust. If any of them were smart they would have gone straight for the mages alone with their full force. But because they worked on primal instincts, survival was more important than success. Even the small force that still descended from the skies several months ago had scattered itself over the mechanical warriors. Turning that entire battle into a one sided slaughter. This revealed a great deal to Eléane. It was also Eléane who took one Leviathan corpse. Their elementals helped drag the massive being on the shore. Where 5 War-Magi kept vigil. The giant fish radiated a black aura, testament of the Darkness’ power. She allowed her mind to wander sometimes. Day dreaming about how it would feel to wield such awesome power, to command such massive army of monstrous beasts. And according to many of her friends, she wasn’t the only one. It was power ever so seducing. Aside from protecting the corpse of the Leviathan, most other mages kept to their drills and meditations. Though now every now and then one would descend towards a city center to buy special supplies and herbs. Dwarfs and men alike probably raised an eyebrow as a quite colorfully dressed person walked their streets. Often accompanied by a coyote made of dust and sand, or a small fiery red bird. Spirits that took extreme liking to their master and decided to remain their familiar. The orders were even stranger. Odd herbs or even worse, dead animals. [hider=My Actions] [b]Garrison[/b] [i]Province 58[/i] - 5 Units of Heavy Infantry - 5 Units of Light Cavalry - 5 Units of Magi - 7 Units of War-Magi - 2 Units of Bombers - 3 Unit of Fighters [i]Province 59[/i] - 3 Units of Light Infantry - 6 Units of Heavy Infantry - 5 Units of Light Cavalry - 5 Units of Magi - 11 Units of War-Magi - 2 Units of Bombers - 3 Unit of Fighters [i]Province 60[/i] - 2 Units of Light Infantry - 4 Units of Heavy Infantry - 5 Units of Magi - 10 Units of War-Magi - 2 Units of Bombers - 3 Unit of Fighters [i]Province 55[/i] - 2 Units of Light Infantry - 8 Units of Heavy Infantry - 5 Units of Magi - 7 Units of War-Magi - 2 Units of Bombers - 3 Unit of Fighters [i]Province 53[/i] - 16 Units of Heavy Infantry - 5 Units of Magi - 7 Units of War-Magi - 2 Units of Bombers - 3 Unit of Fighters [i]Province 52[/i] - 21 Units of Heavy Infantry - 3 Units of Light Cavalry - 5 Units of Magi - 7 Units of War-Magi - 2 Units of Bombers - 3 Unit of Fighters [i]Province 57 (Orngat)[/i] - 20 Units of Magi - 15 Units of War-Magi [b]Troop movement[/b] [i]From 51 to 47[/i] - 2 Units of Magi [i]From 47 to 46[/i] - 3 Units of Magi [i]From 46 to 41[/i] - 1 Unit of Magi [b]Production[/b] [i]Ground forces[/i] Province 58: War-Magi Province 59: War-Magi Province 60: War-Magi Province 55: War-Magi Province 53: Heavy Infantry Province 52: Heavy Infantry [i]Airforce[/i] Province 58: Fighter Province 59: Fighter Province 60: Fighter Province 55: Fighter Province 53: Fighter Province 52: Fighter [b]Research[/b] Enchantments Turn 11 (This is a personal counter of turns I use) [/hider]