[center][h1]Dylan and Jaenelle Cox[/h1][/center] Dylan sat on the couch in his living room and sighed. What a day this had been. It was then that he heard a soft knock on the door. He stood up and walked around his couch to get to the door. He opened without checking, he knew it must have been his sister. Which it was. "Come on in, have a seat" Dylan said walking back to his living room and sitting down. His sister following shortly behind. Her body language said she was defeated and her face said she was upset. "What is it you want Dylan, I can't have the girl so I have other more important things to do." she said in a hushed voice as to not wake Aira. "Sis; I love you. But you've become the very same thing you hate." He said calmly. "I didn't choose to become an evo, ok! It just happened apparently." She snapped back quietly. "I'm talking about a murderer Jaenelle. You know those people you kill, those [i]evos[/i]? They had families just like mom had us." He said with sorrow in his voice. "They're too dangerous, I'm saving lives by taking theirs. Just look at what's going on around the country Dylan" she said pulling out her phone and googling evos under the news tab in Google. "A prison full of evos attacked and now they're all running loose. Anaheim Disney land, people start dropping from heat stroke. Not just one here or there, a lot went down. An attack on the highway, this little evo kid at a park fought off one of the escaped prisoners! This world would be better off without them." She paused to let what she said sink in. "I'm sorry you feel that way... But just like humans, evos have bad guys and good guys. They are just not dangerous. But today you were going to, I assume, bring her to Quantum. Which they would just endlessly poke and pros at her for any info she has." He said. "Whatever..." It was clear in her voice she wanted to stop talking about it. "Anyways. I need to get Aira some clothes. I'll let you go do your thing. Just remember Jaenelle... If you're ever in danger call me. I'll be there as fast as I can." Dylan said with care for his sister. She said nothing, but stood and left the house. Dylan wasn't far behind. Slipping his shoes on and grabbing a jacket, he too left the house. He had to get Aira something to wear tomorrow while they shopped for more clothes, and art supplies.