[hider=Seth of Valeria] [b]Name:[/b] Seth of Valeria. (Technically the Duke of Valeria) [b]Age:[/b] 21. [b]Gender:[/b] Male. [hider=Appearance] [img]http://th09.deviantart.net/fs7/PRE/i/2005/192/1/4/Vaitz_the_swordsman_by_Archaia.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]Personality:[/b] The most apparent feature of Seth’s personality is his charisma. He is a true nobleman, able to charm people left and right. He has a way with worlds and a sort of natural authority that makes people pay attention to him. On top of this, he also has IT. No one can specify or explain what IT is, yet everyone know. Something about him makes women weak, and men jealous of his very being. IT does not work on everyone, but a surprising amount of people will either like or dislike Seth on a first glance because of it. Coupled with his own natural charm and charisma, Seth can often choose whether he will spend the night alone or with someone. Born a nobleman, Seth was handed the world on a silver platter. He is used to getting what he wants and can sometimes act very childishly. while he is an educated and intelligent man, he is emotionally immature and sometimes very naive. [b]Backstory:[/b] The house of Valeria was once strong and influential. We were noblemen, rich, beautiful, powerful. Then the Nightkin came. First they laid siege to the estate of Valeria, cutting off all communications with the outside world. We endured their fear. They climbed the walls and attacked our soldiers. We battled their onslaught. They ran through the estate, slaying our servants with their claws and fangs and horns. We defended the weak. They killed my beloved. I fell into despair. [hider=Backstory] Seth of Valeria was born as the third son of Duke Thors III of Valeria. As the third son, Seth was never destined to take over the title, estate or fortune of his father. All that was meant for his oldest brother, Ian. The second son was to be educated, he would become a priest and a spiritual leader for every man and woman in Valeria. The third son would get nothing. In order for him to live a life of dignity and relative comfort he was promised a position as officer in the army, it came with a price, but it was nothing for a Duke. While his brothers learned how to become gentlemen, quote poems and dance, Seth was taught how to fight with a longsword, ride a warhorse and plan strategies to win battles. He lived well, got along with his brothers and sisters and his parents. The siblings would often keep each other company on their spare time and pass along any insight or lesson they had been taught. They could talk about poetry for hours, even Seth who only learned through his siblings. They could spar, ride, talk politics and gossip. Over all, it was a very good life, and Seth never realised just how sheltered they were until it was too late. One day when Seth was 16, he found himself engaged to the daughter of another nobleman. Her name was Elena. They had met before and was quite taken with each other. Life was good. One night shortly after the engagement Seth was wandering about the estate, as he used to do every now and then. This night he came across a strange man in one of the hallways. It was a tall, handsome man with dark hair and strangely piercing eyes. His clothes were all black and made from a strange material that made them flow and tumble around in the non-existing breeze, but without making any sound. They stood watching each other in silence for a moment. Seth too surprised to act, and the stranger watching with interest. To relieve the tension Seth did what he always did and smiled, he got a smile in return, but that smile held no friendship. Then a thought hit the young noble. They had no guests at the moment, and only a skeleton crew on hand during the night. This person was an intruder. As he called out the intruder with a loud cry, the stranger swiftly produced a rapier from his belt and advanced with almost impossible speed. Being caught without a weapon handy Seth grabbed the first thing he could think of, a chair, and hurled it with all his might at his assailant. The stranger, however, barely seemed to notice the obstacle and cleared it with a leap that had him almost touching the roof. He came down with a stab, and caught Seth just above the heart. The nobleman screamed out in pain and grabbed the blade to pull it out, but the stranger pushed much harder than him. Footsteps, rustling armor and weapons. The stranger pulled out his sword after an eternity and slapped Seth over the head with the dull side of it. He woke up in his bed, the servants had found him alone, bleeding, in the hallway. It was a small wound, and it had already stopped bleeding when the sun came up. When the sun went down, the wound had formed the mark. That following night would be forever burned into Seth’s memory as the Night of Demons. [hider=Excerpt from Seth’s journal on the Night of Demons.] [i]I remember it like it happened just yesterday, even though I was only a boy. 16 years old, not yet a man. I was engaged to a beautiful woman, Elena. We were in love and was to be married later that year, when the leaves turned red. But the demons broke the walls and stormed the city. My father was among the first who fell, my brother came next. My master drew his sword and rushed head first into the advancing horde. His every strike, stab and sweep felled one of the Nightkin, to him they did not matter. His blade kept moving even if it had to cut several of the beasts in one swing. A truly magnificent sight. But there was no time to enjoy his swordsmanship this day. He had attacked so furiously for only one reason, to buy me some time to get Elena out through the secret passage. But they had found it first. As I gently lowered my beloved down into the hidden tunnel that would take her to the edge of the city, to safety, she was pulled down into the darkness. I heard her scream echo in the darkness. With my father’s sword, the blade of Valeria, in my hand I went in after her. The tunnel was big, dark and empty, so I ran. I knew the maze by heart and ran for the exit as fast as I could. Suddenly I heard steps up ahead and the whimper of my beloved. I held my sword high and yelled “Let her go free, fiends! Face me!” Then they came at me. I could not say how many they were, I just started to cut them down. Like my master had shown me, I kept the blade in motion, I let it cut through the enemy without hesitation and spilled the blood of many fiends that day. When the Nightkin were slain I looked around for my beloved. I found her bleeding and dying further along the tunnel. The beasts had put a blade through her chest. We were alone, I could hear the chaos above, people running, screaming, trying to get away, but we were truly alone. I tore a piece of her dress and tried to stop the bleeding. I sincerely believed that if I could just keep the blood inside her we’d find someone who knew what to do outside the tunnel. The bleeding would not stop. I tried everything, but the blood just kept coming. After a while she reached up, touched my cheek and left me behind. I carried her lifeless body out of the dark tunnel and away from Valeria, I did not stop until we came to the closest village. They helped me bury her under a tree, She had always loved trees.[/i][/hider] After the night of demons everything that mattered was gone. Seth went back to Valeria a few days later, but the estate was in ruins. Bodies everywhere, even the cattle and dogs had been slain. He was all alone, everything from his former life was either dead or burned. He had no skills that would earn him money to stay alive except his sword and hatred of the Nightkin. He gathered as much money as he could carry, and a few heirlooms that he couldn’t let the looters have, and left. Seth of Valeria became a mercenary, taking every mission he could to scrape together a few coins, of course favouring those that involved slaying Nightkin or aiding those in need. He met the stranger many times between the Night of Demons and now, and found out who, or what he is. A Vampire named Talon. Talon would stay in the shadows, occasionally letting himself be seen by Seth and/or other humans. Every now and then he will watch as Seth seduces a fair maiden and brings her into his chamber for the night. Come morning, she will be gone.[/hider] [b]Equipment:[/b] Seth does not carry much equipment. While he is a reasonably intelligent man, he doesn’t trust that voodoo-stuff with his life. He carries: The Blade of Valeria - A twohanded sword passed down the Valeria family for generations. A dagger - For close combat stabbing. Chainmail - Great for making it through the night. Heavy gauntlets - These gauntlets can easily stop a blade or similar attacks. Valerian locket - A gold locket with the picture of his sister in it. A small pack with necessities such as food, some money, tools for maintaining his weapons and his clothes. [hider=Theme] [url]https://youtu.be/c1_6OdRBWds[/url] [/hider] [b]Other:[/b] Though quite unusual, Seth has a kind of relationship with “his” Nightkin. They meet every now and then, talk, fight, stare, make faces… Seth is aware what kind of a monster he has been marked by. Despite the fact that Seth regularly picks out Talon’s next victim, he cannot stop seeking attention and comfort from the breasts of women. Being a nobleman and relatively well brought up, Seth minds his speech. He will never use contracted words (such as can’t) and will always pronounce the whole thing (cannot).[/hider]