[@Raineh Daze] The detainment method may not have been lethal, but it sure hurt! The Hairy lady was really rude for 'Hero' she thought as she awaited back-up. It was embarrassing being brought down so easily, it would not help her reputation back with the clan. [color=f7941d]"You know smoking is bad for you and the environment? And boy do you smell bad, like, really really bad."[/color] She said as the Hairy woman lit a cigarette. Trying to get a rise may not have been the best, given hoe little leverage she had at the moment, but it did serve a purpose. It would be funny to see a Hero lose their temperament, but keeping the attention on her, and not the incoming reinforcements, was the objective. It didn't take long for some figures in coats to begin appearing interspersed in the crowds. Some in close groups, others in farther groups, and a few on top of nearby buildings. Each had a weapon they would use to get Irene out, direct threats to the Hero and holding the crowd hostage. The plan was no-doubt come up with by her second in command. The members remained hidden for now, not confronting anyone until it was time to strike.