So I know my population is a tad small at the moment, but it'll swell over the 500 years until the RPing proper starts. I was kind of going for a "this place some really small and kind of unimportant until something (ayels arriving in this case) happened and it ended up becoming the capital of a major civilization" kind of thing. [hider=Qa-Avnel] [img][/img] [img][/img] [b]Name of City:[/b] Qa-Avnel [b]Population:[/b] ~1316 ~550 male/~450 female ~1000 human/316 ayel [b]Known For:[/b] The men of Qa-Avnel and the surrounding area are generally know as backwards zealots. They do not even practice metalworking, and it is only through a combination of their ferocity in defending their homes and the knowledge of their mountainous homeland that they have not been subjugated by anyone more advanced. However, the arrival of the small group of ayels in the city of Qa-Avnel could have immense repercussions on the region, for though the alien creatures are few in number they bring advanced technology alongside their prodigious strength. [b]Culture:[/b] The culture of Qa-Avnel is steeped heavily in their religious beliefs in the Earth as a great mother who protects and nurtures her children. They will farm and make dwellings from lumber, but they believe it is an affront to become greedy and take too much from their mother. As such they shun practices such as irrigation and mining, for it tears apart their mother the earth. The ayels, however, are diametrically opposed; in their culture they are the Children of God who lived on the moons since the dawn of time until they were forced to flee after a betrayal from the people of the sun. They view the earth as something to be exploited, as their deity gave the land to mortals to serve their needs. [b]Religion Overview:[/b] The men of Qa-Avnel almost exclusively worship the Earth as their mother Goddess, though there are other gods and spirits they worship as well. The ayel's beliefs are opposed to this, as they worship a single powerful God who takes no physical form and created the earth, sun, and moons as lands for the mortal races they would later create. [b]Government Type:[/b] Theocracy/Gerontocracy Qa-Avnel is ruled over by their priests who rule according to what they believe to be the demands of their Gods; they also consider wisdom to come with age and as such the highest of the priests are almost universally the eldest of the priests [b]Calendar:[/b] The people of Qa-Avnel use their own calendar based on the seasons, on account of them having never been conquered by Prometheans. The ayels, on the other hand utilize a calendar based upon the phases of the world's moons. [/hider]