[b]Max Stross, Los Angeles California to Anaheim California[/b] Max fired another shot this time the bullet hit the EVO in the throat. The Evo stumbled back and hit the ground blood gushing from his wound. Max had been blasted by the EVO’s seismic bursts twice the first instance knocked him into an SUV right behind him. The second burst did more damage sending him aerial and crashing into the windshield of a crashed car. However thanks to his body armor and natural resilience he was fine and back on the high-way in no time. The EVO had caused quite a wreck, and sirens were blaring everywhere due to highway patrol being present everywhere trying to sort out the situation. The National Guard had also stepped into the scene with armored trucks and such on the scene. Max took out his phone to call the Quantum HQ in D.C. “Hello this is Max Stross speaking, I have some news about a situation. There’s a town in California, Anaheim no blood testing equipment because it’s lacking the proper funds. Well I believe there may some dangerous EVO’s in that town, I think we need to implement an emergency make-shift blood testing center in the town and administer tests to all the residents, I want the choppers there by yesterday! If Headquarters asks where the money’s coming from take it out my personal funds.” Max then hung up after he gave the order, he knew there was no time to establish an actual blood testing center over-night. However, a make-shift set up was something Quantum was trained to do, just so long as someone had the money to back up the request. Max hated splurging and wasting cash but if what he saw in his nightmares had any truth to it it was imperative to capture this girl. Once he cleared through the traffic he was maintaining a consistent speed of over 100 mph. [i] I don’t have time to waste, I need to get my target. No telling what this girl is capable of, and if I loose her…then I could loose everything. I’m going to have to play this differently. [/i] About an hour and ten minutes later Max had reached his destination. Thanks to his government clearance he avoided any unnecessary police interaction over his excessive speeding on the highway. “Okay going from the report to the other information I have regarding this girl, let’s see where she resides hmm..okay…so that’s the residence perfect…time to get me some answers.” Max said with a smile as he turned his vehicle to head towards that direction. He found some interesting information as he connected his phone to his car so that he could listen to information through his speakers. [i] Interesting so she was at the scene of another incident that went down today involving Casper Everrose, the evo that made the news for “Defending” that park. Piece of shit was defending himself, and the sympathizers are trying to make these creatures look humane. I outa arrest anyone who participated in the creation of that news broadcast, fucking terrorrists. [/i] Of all the breaking news reports the one involving Casper had him pissed and he wouldn’t mind marching up to his home with a couple agents and an arrest warrant for “reckless endangerment via use of ability.”. He reached for his phone and went to notes marking down Casper’s name and a reminder to mess up his life in the near future. “I’ll take that positive image you have little bastard and mess it up quickly.” Max was ready for what was about to happen as he entered the neighborhood where the Smith family resided. He reached for his phone and sent out a text to a fellow agent in the area. Shortly after the text was sent a van pulled up in-front of the Smith residence and two men in black suits emerged from the van. Max tilted his rear view mirror to watch what was happening in the corner of his eye as he reached for his own gun. “Make a fucking move already…its a fucking family of three there about as deadly as Mr. Rogers..hurry this up.” He muttered to himself grumbling about his fellow agents incompetence. He watched as the two agents burst into the Smith house-hold splitting up one of the agents rushing over to Riley’s father and shooting a sedative into his neck. The other agent bursting into the kitchen and pulling the trigger to unload a round into Riley’s mother’s stomach. Right as he was doing that Max burst in jamming a syringe into said agent’s neck causing him to stumble forward and hit the ground unconscious. Max then drew his gun and phone rushing over to Riley while dialing 911. “Shit! Shit! Listen kid we don’t have time! Come with me if you wanna fucking live, these people..are EVO hunters come on!” Max clicked the green dial button and answered.” Hello I have a woman that was shot! It’s an emergency she’s bleeding please come.” Max then hung up and pocketed his cellar device while reaching out his hand for Riley. [i]Everything’s going according to plan just need to keep it that way, and hopefully I didn’t just cause a major fuck up. [/i] [b]Martin Scosman, Washington D.C - Quantum Headquarters[/b] Martin stood in the center of the room looking at a large monitor with other agents. This was the central monitor of their headquarters that had various displays showing various things including current missions, most wanted Evo’s, some projects they were working on and some other stuff. “Hmmm eveything’s going good, but Texas, Miami, and LA those are the hot points we need to focus our man-power on. Any sign of strength by the EVO population we shut it down immediately. We can’t just let it all rest in the hands of the Department of Homeland Security Evo division, those three cities need to be controlled and NOW! “ “Umm Director Scosman, Stross is in LA right now trying to get a handle of the situation and we’ve sent extra reinforcements to help out and their collaborating with the National Guard, local police, Department of Homeland Security’s Evo Division, and FBI. Texas we’ve just sent down extra units to help handle the fall-out but honestly we’ve got a different situation on our hands.” “A Different situation.” Martin sighed he didn’t like the signs of these developments, right now their biggest priority was figuring out the EVO that slaughtered the protestors and wiped out the capitol building in Texas. She’d murdered the Governor of Texas and the whole country was in a state of uproar at the hands of his murder by an EVO as well a the hundreds of others murdered during her rampage. “Speak on it now.” “The Children of the Church of Azrael the cultists who initiated the protest in Texas that led to the Evo’s retaliation…ever since the news break of all the registered identity’s there’s been more violence in Texas, reports from Evo households being assaulted by cultists members, shooting at their homes, setting fires, lynching, no doubt with the cult’s growing influence across the country and…with today’s events these attacks are going to become more frequent I believe we should divert some of Quantum’s resources to combatting this cult just as much as our evo related threats.” Martin shook his head and sighed. “Rules are meant to be followed, and these people are breaking rules, they will be handled but that’s not our focus. Our focus is on eliminating the threat that’s making them panic, this is good this will bring Evo’s down, beat them down, ther’es talks of a resistance coming out of Florida, and you heard that speech by this Frank Jackson, we’re looking into him, and we need to handle him before the FBI, I’m going to handle the Florida situation myself, get my transport ready, I’m headed to the airport, it’s time for me to take a flight, contact the FBI and DHS To get their talk on the cultists violence it’s time to lay down the law on anyone who believed Jackson’s nonsense. The only uprising today is an uprising of justice.” Martin left the board room and dipped out walking to his own private quarters to gather his belongings when he got another call. “Hello Scotsman I’ve got an interesting report about the girl who were looking into the suspected precog.” “Go on with it, I’m geting ready to go to Florida so this better be good.” “Well so far we’ve got a report that Agent Cox failed the mission, but we looked into it due to the seriousness of the matter and found something interesting. We tracked her location, and found her brother was going along the same path she was, the same time the mission was supposedly failed.” “Hmm..so you believe their collaborating for the kid? Decided the prize was worth it? Do you have a location on them.” “Yes there last known location was the brother Dylan Cox’s residence near Lake Tahoe. Should I send a unit to confront them? “No need to alert Ms. Cox she may have had a little slip but so far all we’ve got to go by is location monitors, send the co-ordinates to my phone I’ll handle this personally, if we have potential access to someone who can predict the future, this may make up for Walker’s suicide, anyway send Ms. Cox on another mission I’m trying to stir up some controversy, tell her kill Frank Jackson.” Martin hung up the phone and then grabbed a few things before exiting his office. He made his way up to the roof with a briefcase in hand and nothing else before taking out his phone to see the co-ordinates where sent. “Time to get to work.” Martin then took flight into the sky at superhuman speeds headed towards Dylan’s house.