Uzuki seen the stance change of sky into a more or less typical spear stance. She knew that if she planned to get in close, that the spear would have to be dealt with. He was trained in the spear and she knew that an attack was going to be coming. The energy gathered into the spear wasn't exactly a large concern however the stabbity end impaling her didn't sound like a pleasant idea. Although the thought for just a millisecond did cross her mind to impale herself to get really close and cut his head off...not exactly what her contractor would want though. It was decision time as she got close enough and she knew what she had to do, gripping her saya fully she detaches it from her belt moving it so the curve matches the back of her arm. She alters her step slightly to the right about a foot and for just one step. The low to high thrust is met with her swinging her left arm down and out to meet the blade just at the side of its tip, with the back of her arm which basically uses the black saya as a shield against the bladed portion of the spear. Now using that step she presses herself back into the spear attack while raising her arm up, grinding her saya along it as it rises and hopefully letting her slide up under it. As she grinds along the shaft of the spear, her right hand dips into her gun holster under her brown jacket and on the left side of her body. Pulling out the Bang-n-Go pistol, she quickly begins to shoot at the spearmans midsection and thighs(non-lethal targets) unloading as many(likely 2-3 at this speed) shots equivalent to a normal 9mm projectile with her trigger finger she could at point blank range. Possibly still in motion from this, she would press back off the spear and shift her feet to run away from him at a side angle. The right hand still glowing with the ether required to pull something off ready to go