[center] [h3][color=f7976a]Annmarie Grace. Candle Lighting Vigil, Miami[/color][/h3] Annmarie had a very stressful time of late, work kept her busy yes, but Miami was going downhill just like California and now Texas, these oppressive laws that were forced upon Evo's and the treatment from society in general made the doctor sick inside. To her EVO's and humans are the same thing, catergorise them any way you want, They were still humanity in her eyes and it seemed history always repeated itself when it came to changes to the normal way of life that many get to accustomed to. Annmarie had made sure she was coming to this Vigil after witnessing the fight that broke out two days prior that cost many innocent lives, Lives that in her eyes could of been saved. And compiled on to that and with her helping EVO's on the side illegally providing medical care and sometimes shelter, that was never easy to do and she had to be careful who she helped as some were good while some not. Mingling among the crowd, Annmarie was a little digusted with some of the personalities there, Sure she knew one or two and surely family member was obvious why they were there but some people were dressed to the nine like it was a bachelor party, some of the woman she saw had dresses that left little to the imagination, short as hell and the bust area so tight that even their other assest looked like they were going to burst out for air. Ann was more a lot conservative but still wore a black dress but made her self concious with her body. Anyway without getting side tracked, Ann was here to pay her respects yes but not just for those here but also those that won't be mentioned because of being EVO or had any ties to them like the minister Allen Brown, He was a good man, stood up for what he beleived in and was never one to back down from speaking his mind, that ultimately was what killed him, but yet like him and those speaking for Evo's where not even mentioned or shown her and that saddened the woman greatly, Even angered her a little, she did hint a little at this in conversations but was not overly well received, If she was not careful some would take hint at her sympathizing for the Evo's. But that incident two days ago brought back a familiar face for Annmarie, A female woman that Ann had seen on and off ever since Claire revealed her kind to the world, She knew the woman in question since they were a teen back in 2008, Miami's Guardian angel as mentioned in the tabloids, but was simply something experts could not figure out and nor could Annmarie. She remembers coming across the girl wondering in the storm at the beach, like she had some form of deathwish, her head raised a little and her hands slightly raised, it was one wird ass sight. but not long after that it all changed and the teen in question collapse on the floor, Ann never asked questions and her inner doctor kicked in, taking care of the Evo in question, taking her in, of course eventually she knew what the woman was when all was revealed. If anything that strenghtened her resovle that not all Evo's are bad, this one saved so many lives that day. Either way the guardian and come to her in distress over the event happening acorss the U.S but mostly to what happened much closer to home. for those couple of day the weather was doing wierd things but only in Miami, clouds formed and stayed constantly swirling and moving in an unusual manner never seen before, the odd rumble of thunder from time to time, it was the weather being effected by the emotions of this one guardian, Annmarie spent plenty of time with her calming the individual. so that the weather was a more calm and soothing for the vigil today. The senator mentioned in her speach not long ago of those that could control certain unique powers, She mentioned weather control as one, If only she really knew one existed right now and that Annmarie was harbouring that particular individual right now, A class 4. It was round this time that one man that lost a loved one that day in the riots. The speech however was much more different than even she Anticipated and was certainly shocked to what she was hearing. He referred Evo's as people and this made her feel happy and warm inside but also worried, this could get another shoot out going. But instead those that were actually there for grieving where getting inspired, Then a guy from the back got her attention, she looked at him for a moment when he asked about Quantum and the Evo division. He spoke about bringing it down, Annmarie began thinking, was there really going to be a resistance forming. Starting right here in Miami? The people starting to get a different view, this was a lot to process and some were leaving. Then it just struck her, If this gets people speaking out against the Quantum and others , then surely they will respond to this resistance and put a stop to it before it started. [i][b]'Miranda'[/b][/i] she suddenly thought in worry, She couldn't let anything happen to her. she would need to escape Miami soon and fast.[/center]