[h1][color=ed1c24]Cody[/color][/h1] [@Prince of Seraphs] "[color=ed1c24]People don't care what non-magical people do, however trouble caused by a wizard is often exaggerated.[/color]" Cody replied with a sigh before letting out a gasp of surprise as Dawn grabbed him by the collar. Cody stared Dawn in the eyes with a rather relaxed look. "[color=ed1c24]I never said there was anything wrong with her. It could easily be her magic or an outside influence.[/color]" Cody responded calmly while raising his arms in surrender. He had meant no harm, and even if this developed into a brawl he doubted he would win anyway. Might as well show he is relatively harmless. "[color=ed1c24]However uncontrolled magic is a hazard. Even mine was, and it's useless.[/color]" Cody added before Dawn released his collar. "[color=ed1c24]I didn't see where she went no, however if she uses her magic I can pinpoint her rough location. My magic's nature has made me sensitive to the usage of magic.[/color]" Cody replied nonchalantly as he straightened up his cloak. Cody felt responsible for Dawn losing sight of his sister and wanted to make up for it. [h1][color=f49ac2]Jasmine[/color][/h1] [@Raijinslayer] Jasmine seemingly either missed or ignored what Nidhogg had said about her mother as she began to tenderly touch his wound. This looked very serious, however there was a massive flaw in this plan of his. "[color=f49ac2]Um...I-I only just got into town myself. I came here to see the games with...my parents.[/color]" Jasme responded slowly with a sheepish smile on her face. "[color=f49ac2]Ah...ummm...What would Cody do?[/color]" Jasmine thought aloud frantically as the bleeding started to escalate now. What would the Phoenix Wing mage do in this situation?