[hider=Regulii] [h3]Species Sheet[/h3] [b]Name of Species:[/b] Regulii [b]Genetic Compatibility: [/b] Its said that they can bear the offspring of anyone but this theory hasn't been tested. [b]Physical Characteristics:[/b] Humanoid in appearance, the Regulii can be seen as much more graceful, more beautiful Prometheans. Some even go as far as to say they are the exact opposite of Prometheans. Their hairless bodies are slender and almost mystical in a way, long limbs dexterous and swift. Physically, they are different as they have geometric skin markings along their arms, legs and on the sides of their bodies. Their ears are sharp and pointed, the vibrant colors of their eyes bear a wild fire often concealed by a calm demeanor. The hair of the Regulii are some shade of black, brown or white and naturally curls to a degree. The only difference between the male and females is basically the same with humans: Males are stronger and taller while females are shorter and have breasts. Some say that due to how feminine some Regulii males look, they mistake the race as a whole to only having one gender. [hider=Appearance of Males] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/cd/cf/e7/cdcfe7b9134e649eb92be183e6dd8eb2.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=Appearance of Females] [img]https://pp.vk.me/c621619/v621619772/2550c/15yKVyzwSzE.jpg[/img] [/hider] [b]Life-Span:[/b] About 200 years with adulthood at around 10 and full maturity at somewhere around the mid 20's. [b]Diet:[/b] Omnivores but lean towards Herbivores. [b]Racial Attributes:[/b] - Females can control when they are fertile - A pseudo "hivemind" called a "Nolbilis" which contains the collective thoughts of all Regulii which one can access with meditation - Remarkable homeostasis control which allows them to be very flexible in what climates they can live in - High levels of gene recombination [b]Age:[/b] The Regulii is a fairly young race at only about 30,000 years old, their Nolbilis ability is thought to be the reason why they've managed to play catch up so well. [/hider] [hider=Ilitscium] [h3]City Sheet[/h3] [center][IMG]http://i66.tinypic.com/2lt0m55.png[/IMG][/center] [center][img]http://pic.akdanji.com/uploadpic/201304/21/2013042109460177641366508761.jpg[/img][/center] [b]Name of City:[/b] Ilitscium [b]Population:[/b] 198,000 [list][*]Males: 98,000 [*]Females: 100,000 [*]Half-Races: Small Minority[/list] [b]Known For:[/b] Ilitcium was once something of a vacation locate for Promethean nobles who had built many residences and villas owning to the beautiful local landscape and the natural promiscuity of the Regulii. It was said that at one point there were more brothels and taverns then homes because of this but due to recent events within the Promethean homeland, there has been much less tourism and that has given the city time to grow and develop. Besides its famous adult business, Ilitscium has become something of a fishing and trade hub given their locations as their skill in ship building advances at amazing rates. The Regulii military is also unique because of this as they have yet to distinguish between land soldiers and seamen, effectively making all of their warrior marines of sorts. [b]Culture:[/b] Regulii are famous for their hyper sexuality which has translated into them being a very friendly people and also them not exactly a having fashion sense most other would consider "concealing". Regulii art has a high focus on the beauty of the body and nature and their fine handicrafts are something of a trade commodity. The Regulii are also fans of building and architecture, as shown by their floating homes that hang on to the shores of the bay of their lands and beautiful monuments. [b]Religion Overview:[/b] The Regulii never really accepted the idea of having a great monkey rule over everything even when some more zealous Promethean nobles had temples built, the buildings either torn down or modified for other purposes once the Promethean no longer came to their city. Instead, they believe in something called the "Divinitus" or "Grand Divine", an omnipotent being who takes on different forms depending on who see them and is the ruler of their Nobililis. Their creation myth is that the Divinitus had created the world and then summoned life out of the sea. The Regulii will often change the Divinitus's gender at will as they believe it does not matter and worship the Divinitus by way of prayer, meditation and what can only be called "holy orgies". As one might expect, Divinitism has a fair bit relating to sex as that is how the Regulii are. [b]Government Type:[/b] Imperial Republic - The Regulii use both an emperor/empress with their own royal bloodline as well as a senate. Although the Senate wields considerable power, all final decisions are made by the emperor who has complete control. [b]Calendar:[/b] Promethean [/hider]